Page 246 - CRS Engineering
P. 246

Annexure 11

                    General particulars of W\T                  Reddy Cheruvu
                    Name ofthetank                              CHCTOO'I'^OOOPAK
                    TankCode _                                   CHITTOOR
                                                                 Vodde palli (V)^umalapattu_Man^
                    District          ,                   -
                     Nameofvillage&Maridai         -       ^     13° 19'50" & 79° 081^
                                                                            -.r^n noi yin"
                     latitudes. Longitude  ^                     iM9 km 46/26-M
                   ' Afficted Railvwy^BndgeMM  ^           ^        PW cro Chittoor-Puthalapattu_
                   -SnS^wafwt^(aloSgthecoursi^                  __1 11.50KM
                   ;  Nallah)       ---—
                   I 'standar^Hydraulic Details                  i1.72 Sq.Miles
                   L Catchnnent Area                             '2.40 Mcft
                   I Capacity of the Tank                        ;  312.10 M
                   3 Lowest Bed Level                  ""ZZZ     i 314.29 M
                   . Full Tankj^KFTL)    ^                          314.89 M
                                                                  +  -
                   5 MaximutTi^watex.LeYf'iy-^-y-
                                                                  +  -
                   5 Danger Levd^l^                                 315.81 M
                      'Top O^ndJ^el aiy                            lO M
                                                                —  +
                      ixop wj^_9f,Bund                            rront 1.5:1 Rear 2:1
                     ^^Sideslojes__                    ^          0.72 M.Sq.feet 0.067 M.Sq.M
                      'Area of submergence atFl L

                       Are thesejanks also_da_s_sife_d^Ts^-_
                     , NOTjsJ^DetaillofJh^^^^^         —
                     [ Surplusweir     —                           ^os.
                       "no. ofsurplus weirs—                       13.71 M, 6.40 M
                     ^^Lengths^liyiPly?^'^^                        I^sonry escapesebcopcs
                      ''Types^iyiP''J5-^-5!'^^  —    "   7         718Cft./Sec. or 20.33CLIM/Sec
                     , 'DesignDlKharge           -
                     y  Sluice  _     '
                     L No. ofSluices  .      -
                     )  Location ofSMces
                     3 •Maximi.mD^Di5?haxge_                        functioned
                     4 'Functional or Not_^
                     v'^^^In^pectonDetei^                           20-02-2020                   p   crD.Nellore @1
                        !i) Date o^spertio^                         Sri D.S.Rajendra Prasad,   p.  Irrigation Section
                                                                    aittoor, sr.                           p.«,
                                                                    Puthalapattu &      i i.i^
                                                                    Sri V.Damu Raju, P.Way,Chittoor.
                        ,B Tank Bund                                 Restoration of bund is Completed

                         C Surplus Weir                              Not good

                         iiii) Is Danger LevelJ^arked ?

                                     [ame&Designation ofRaiway Official Assistant Ex^ftttVeTnglnBOt*  /
                                                                                Nan,e8.Designation ofIrrigationOfficial

                                                                 Irrigation Section,                         ^L-7rr^,rra
                                                                pagfejg-irtAlAPATTn        deputy EXECUTSVE Ei^GINEER
                                                                                                  SUB-DIVIN. G.D.NELLORE@
                      Asc'. Divl. Engineer                                                          CHITTOOR.
                      n "vr' / S.C. r?ailway
                     • •    , ,TIRUPAT'
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