Page 242 - CRS Engineering
P. 242

Annexurc II
                                    ,„OFORMA FORS.B«.SS,ONOFR.A.. ,^S,.FCT,ON REPORTS
                 'I "Gener^par^ars^of^AJ                         Doddagani Cheruyu
                  1 Name ofJhe^nK                                CTa0035000PAK
                  2  TankCo^-.
                  3  District        —•                          P.Kothakota (V) Puthalapattu Mandal
                  4 "NameofvillageiLMarLd^'-  -                   13° 24' 10"  & 79° 09' 58"
                  5  Latitude                                    '629 KM 54/5-9
                  e Afficted Railway Bridge &  -                 'SSE PW CTO PTT-PAK

                   8  Nallah)       — —
                   II standar^HydrauliLD^tai^^                    10.12 Sq.Milej
                   1 CatchnnejTLAl§§-                             10.43 Mcft
                   2  CapaciW                                      . 337.46 M
                  "3 "uowesLBelLeyeL                                340.58 M
                 p 4 "Full Tarik_LeveLCfTL)                        + 341.15 M
                   5"Maximurn water level_(MWg_
                    e Danger Le^eKDL)                              + 342.37 M
                    7 Top of Bund Level (TBL)                      3^00 M
                    8 Top w/idth of Bun^                           Front 1.5:1  Rear 2:1
                       Sidejiopes                                  ^6 M.Fin.feet (28.425 Hectors)
                    9 y   ——1—       —   «-i
                    10 ;Area of submeLgencejlfU
                           ~I  T      af MWI
                                                                   yes 15N0S
                    13'^Arelhesetanl^tociasslfed-a^                yes
                    14 •Namej &^etels_olthese taril«_
                    III Surpluswejr
                     1 No. of surplusv^s                          _ 25.00 M, 44.20 M
                     2 Lengths ofjui^lysjft'eirs.                   t^sonry escapes
                     3 Types olsurE!i^_eirs                        702+1241 rft./Sec. or19.88+35.11 Cum/Sec_
                   I 4 ripgjan Discharge^
                   'InT^Sluice                                     jSNos.
                     1  No.^f^i!!??!                               lL/s,@250 M, R/S
                     2 Location ^Slute   _ .
                     3 MaxiniuniJ^esign Discharge                   .functioned
                     4' Functional or Not
                     V A. Inspection_Detailes                       ^-02-2020        m-TiTfI ISD , ^Nellore @|
                                                                    Sri D.S.Rajendra Prasad, Dy.E.t., 1
                                                                    SiS'aUu^             aN.'Krishnappa, A.D.E.N, Pakala,|

                                                                    Sri V.Damu Raju, P.Way,Chittoor.

                        'jii)IfthetenMualify.foLClassi»^                                           ,.ed underAP-
                         B.Tank Bund                 ,     the standards Below the MI standards. Now the work is sanction e u
                         i) IS theTol^level ofthe Bund uniform and as per  ;nATP(World Bank P-II) 2018-19 _  .
                        ' :in is theT^p;^'^he       the stan^^
                         •iiiVAre the slopes a^per Lhe standards     No.
                         iCTsuTpiusWej^                              Required Repair(Leakage)
                         iii) Is the lenj^adquate for Desjgn Discharge _  ^s
                          lii) IS DangjLkeyei'^®''''?'' •             f^r
                          DCondition oftheSluices                    'No.
                          F Any Hast nibLuiy
                                                 AP..IATP(W=,ld  P-..) 2018^19  is « progress

                                                                       J^lutive fcngin8»»|
                                                                 Irrigation Section,

                                                                                         OEPUTY EXECIJTS^E
                                                                                               SUB-DIVIN. G.D.NuLLORf
                        A»st. Divi. Engineer                                                      CHITTOOR.
                         ^    / S.C. Railmv
                      ' f^f^/TlRUPATi
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