Page 240 - CRS Engineering
P. 240

Annexure II
                                    PrOFORMA for SimM.SS.ONOFR.A,, INSPFCCN REFORTS

                  I General particulars of RAT       -           iPolavaramcheruvu
                  1 Name of thelank                              !CHa0034000PAK
                  2  TankCode                                    CHITTOOR
                  3  District                                    Polavaram (V) Puthalapattu Mandal
                  4 Nameofvillage&MandaL -                        13° 22' 40"  & 79° 10'50"
                  5 Latitude &J^gitude__                         •616 KM 48/29-31
                  ^ ;Railway:sei^arLd bebveensiatons             "SSE PW CTO PTT-PAK
                     Afficted Railwayjridge
                                                                  4.80 KM
                   8  Nallah)  _      .
                   11 standard Hydraulic Details _               ]1.22 Sq.Miles
                   1 Catchment Area                              T^25 Mcft
                   2 Capacityj)f t^l®                             ' +327.60 M
                   3 •Lowest BelLevel                             • + 334.39 M
                   4 Full Tank Leveljn;L).-                        + 335.00 M
                   5 Maximum waterJeyel (MWL) .
                   e Danget^L^liDL)                                + 335.91 M
                   7 Top of Bund UeyelJIBL),                       3.00 M
                    8 Top width of Bund _      .                   Front 1.5:1  Rear 2:1
                    9  Side slopes                               '2i38M.Sqft. 0.1282M.SqM
                   10 Area of subniergence at FTL
                    11 Area of submergence^at MWL  ,  - -  tank ?  yes
                    13 Are thesejante alio classjMl=.^T= '
                    14 Names&D^ils of these_tanks_
                    III Surplus weir                               2Np.      _
                    1 No. pfsuiplusvreirs                          ^5.50 M&4.30M
                   " 2 Lengths of3iTPlus_weirs                     Masonry escapes
                    3 Types ofjurPius weirs                        [569 Cft./Sec. or 16.n Cum/Sec_
                     4  Design Discharge
                   I IV Sluice                  '                  'iNo.
                     1  No. of Sluices     -                       'l/s
                     2  Incation ofSluices
                     3 Maximum Design Discharge                     functioned
                     4  Functional or Not
                     y A. Inspection DetaiJej                      !20-02-2020         -^^" ISD , G:D:Nellore @
                                                                   "Sri D.S.Rajendra Prasad,
                                                                    iChittoor., Sri  H.Khader - RaiQ  AE.E., Irrigation Section
                                                                                      Sri MN.krishnappa, A.D.E.N, Pakala,
                                                                    'Puthalapattu &
                                                                    ,Sri V.Damu Raju, P.Way,Chittoor,
                         iii) Ifthe tenk qualifyjfbr dassification as RAT  -I--
                                                                     MI standards (BT road laid over the top of bund)
                         „6    Toplevel of the Buna gtojrn and       Yes                     —--
                     "-i •i^i^n'ridil.Of ItieBunaasjeL*!
                      —"'llirAro fhP slopes as per thejtandajxls
                      ^'liviAn^angerous^es            Bund           No.

                         ic. Surplus Weir                            ifair
                                      _ _
                         'ii) Is the lengjhadquate for Design Discharge  , _  jyes
                         iii) Is Danger Level Marked ?               ,yes
                                                                     ^fcs^Name8.Designation ofIrrigationOfficial

                                        &Designation of Railway Official
                                                             Assistant fcxUiutive tnginostf#
                                                                  Irrigation Section,
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