Page 235 - CRS Engineering
P. 235
Divisional Office,
Works Branch,
Date: 10-03-20
Sub: Anomalies noted during push trolley inspection in SSE/P.Way/PAK Section
Durino push trolley inspection between MNPT and TPTY on 14-11-19, the following
anomalies were observed.
1. Many points and crossings of different yards in your jurisdiction have seized
ERCs, seized screws, and corroded stretcher bars. Inspection notes have been
complied on paper only. When verified at site, defects still exist. During trolley
inspection also, rubber pads were missing in Points 13B and 7B in MNPT yard.
2. Elastic Rail Clips (ERCs) vvere found dropping continuously at many locations in
km 86/1-3, 92/19-21, 93/33-35, 95/13-15, 97/13-15 and 99/3-5 (on bridge).
Also, liners vvere found missing at km 94/9-11. It was reiterated by PCE/SC Rly
during his push trollev inspection on IS-ll-ig.
3. Key men were found patrolling on track without safety shoes which is a serious
lapse on the safety of workmen.
4. Some of the other deficiencies found are isolated sleeper renewals to be carried
out at km 81/13-15, avoidable joints to be welded in all yards, surfacing to be
attended at km 86/19-21, trespassing at km 84/11-13, 91/5-7, alignment
correction at km 82/19-21, 89/18-20, 89/28-30, 91/21-23 and shallow
screening of Rd-l in CGI yard.
Many points and crossings of different yards in your jurisdiction have seized
ERCs, seized screws, and corroded stretcher bars. Inspection notes have been
complied on paper only. When verified at site, defects still exist.
Majority of these deficiencies were found unattended when the undersigneo has
done his trolley inspection on 27-02-20 which shows clear lack of professional
It is advised to offer your remarks within 10 days ofreceiving this letter.
Copy to;
Sr.DEN/Co./GTL: for Information please.
ADEN/PAK: to serve this letter to SSE/P.Way/PAK and send the acknowledged copy
to Division.
Asst. Divl. Engineer
^^/S.C. Railway