Page 234 - CRS Engineering
P. 234
Report on Post Monsoon condition of Railway Affecting Tanks for the year 2019-2020
1 sl. No. . ,
2 District : Chittoor
3 Tirupati Urban IVIandal
Name of the Tank (or) bounded ' ' : Settipalli Tank
5 Name of the District Mao 57 0/6
Agency responsible for the maintenance i.e., P.VVID^or
6 Water resources Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh
Panchayat Raj or Private -
7 Railwayline affected milage • 135/42-135/44 , Br.No.: 200, Br.No.: 130
Railway milage ofcoming or surplus courseofthe tanff
8 135/42-135/44,
of water course
9 Date of Inspection 13-02-2020
10 Name and Designation of the Inspecting Officer Sri.C.Wilsonbabu, ADEN, S.C.Railways, Renigunta
Sri R.M.V.Ramana Murthy, Asst.Engineer, Irrigation Section, Tirupati Urban
a)Standards ofthe tank bundas perthe Railway "i '
11 No
Affecting Tank list
b) Are there TBL slopes orother permanent mark^^
verifywhether top of bund is not prescribed level
c)ln the top of bundanywhere below prescribed leyer^
ifno specify changeand storageinheight No
d)Are the top width and slopesaccording to standat'ds
everywhere width lessand indicateextent bywhich it No
is less • •; •
e) Are there any dangerous gullies and cart tracks^..
opinion must berequired if so specify thelocation ^ ^ No
fj Action taken to rectify defectsnoted incol; ll (b^to-
Restoration of tank is completed
N(e) '
g) Progress of work of any on hand and the prob|l5le
date of completion of the work. '
12.Surplus Weir '
a) Length ofthesurplus weir asper theR.A.T. list' > ^
T 28.0 Mts
b)Whether the workat site are as per the listor not
Surplus weir needs re'pairs
Specify the variationsifany
c) Whether the MWL hasexceeded oranything'
happened to indicate thatthesurplus water a,r^' j No
adfifluateof inadeouate
d)Ifso the remindial meaasurescontemplated, acfton
taken '
13. Sluices and other Masonry works
Are the sluices andthe other masonry works In.gaad
order, so as protect endanger safety of the bund . Sluice Damaged and needs reconstruction
14 Specify remarks ifany bythe inspectingthe officer ., "
— •• f
Ifthe work is checked by Engineerand what action *
15 Estimate submitted
taken in the matter |
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/\ssistari-. -of Railway,©ffEsaigineer
; o.C.Railway i- tirupathi urban
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