Page 233 - CRS Engineering
P. 233
1. General Particulars of R.A.T.
Name of the Tank Settipalll Tank
2 1 District Chittoor
3 Name of Village & Mandal Settipalli (V) in Tirupati Urban Mandal
4 Latitude & Longitude . • 13°38'14" &79°28'17" (570/6)
5 Affected Railway Bridge and KM ' •i"'-' 20ff& 130 & 135/42-135/44
6 Railway section and between ststiqn^ Renigunta - Kodur
Distancefrom Railway bridgeto bund'( along the
7 6 KM to 8 KM
course of Nalla)
II. Standard Hydraulic details
1 Catchment area '' 0.525
2 Capacity of the tank . •• 22.13 Mcft
3 Lowest bed level ' v.
4 Fulltank level (FTL) • 100.000 Mts
5 Maximum water level ( MWL) 100.600 Mts
6 Danger Level ( DL) , , - ,
7 Top of Bund Level ( TBL) • • 101.800 Mts
8 Top width of Bund • : 3.00 Mts
9 Side slopes ''' ''i. Front: 11/2 ; 1, Rear: 2:1
10 Area of submergible at FTL - • 0.34
11 Area of submergible at MWL 0.42 sq.Km
12 Are there any tanks in the catchment of this tank. No
13 Are these tanks also classified as No
14 Nameand details of these tanks'-'fi'^H,;?. No
III. Surplus weir . 4'
1 No. of surplus weirs One
2 Length of surplus weirs • 28.0 Mts
3 Type of surplus weir H.C. Weir
4 Design discharge •»* . 299.07 cusecs
/I/. Sluice '" ••
1 No.of sluices One
2 Location of sluices - 650 M from Surplus weir
3 Maximum design discharge . " :
4 Functional or not Functional
V.-4: Inspection Details
1 Date of Inspection •. 'a»;. 13-02-2020
2 Name and designation of inspectlrig-oWcials Sri. C. Wilson babu, ADEN, S.C.Railways, Renigunta
1 -• 9-,.
Sri R.M.V.Ramana Murthy, Asst.Engineer, Irrigation
Section, Tirupati Urban
3 Ifthe quality for classification as RAT Yes
B: Tank bund
Is the top level ofthe bund uniforme&'and asas per
1 No
the standards •
2 Is the top width of the bund as per StisncJ^I'Si's No
3 Are the slopes as per the standards' No
4 Any dangerous gullies or scoured the bund No
C Surplus weir
1 Condition ~- Partially Damaged
2 Isthe length adfequate for design^diwharge Yes
3 Is danger level marked ' j . No
D; Condition of the sluice Sluice Damaged and needs reconstruction
E: Anypast history of breach of the tank and ifso, details No
Signat6"r6TA/it^-nan^^ &fe^si|rilti6H'
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