Page 232 - CRS Engineering
P. 232
irrigation SECTION :TIRUPATI Urban
Report on Post Monsoon eonrtlt|f,n o( Railway t„|,;
Si. No.
Tirupati Urban Mandal
Name of the Tank (or) bounded
Pana Cheruvu
Name of the District Ma
Agency responsible for the maintenance i.e., P.W.D or 57 0/6
Water resources Department, Government of
Panchayat Raj or Private
Andhra Pradesh
Railway line affected milagp
Railway milage of coming or surplus course-'ofthe tank 137/7-8to 139KIVl, Br.No.: 204
of watercourse 137/7-8to 139KM, Br.No.: 206
Date of Inspection
Name and Designation of the Inspecting Officer
Sri. C. Wilson babu, ADEN, S.C.Railways, Renigunta
Sri R.M.V.Ramana Murthy, Asst.Engineer, Irrigation
a) Standards ofthe tank bund as per the
Affecting Tank list
b) Are there TBL slopes or other permanent.rnarks to
verify whether top of bund is not prescrtejedievel
c)ln the top of bund any where below prescribed level if
no specify changeand storage in height
d) Are the top width and slopes accordingto standards
every where width less and indicate extent by which it
e) Are there any dangerous gullies and cat^tracks,
opinion must be required if so speciffthl'ltii^on
f) Action taken to rectify defects noted in col: 11 (b) to
Restoration of bund for balance portion has
g) Progress of work of any on hand and the probable tobedone
dateofcompletion ofthe work.
12.Surplus Weir
a) Length ofthesurplusweiras perthe RAJ.-.ljjst
9.50 Mts
b) Whether the work at siteare as perthe llgt'or not
Specify the variations if any
c) Whetherthe MWL has exceeded or anything
happened to indicate that the surplus watePare
adequate of inadequate
d) If so the remindial meaasures contempi^e^ action
13.Sluices and otherMasonry worl<s
Are the sluices and the other masonry woffpjn good
order, so as protect endanger safety ofthe bund. No
Specify remarks if any by the inspecting thecfficer
Both Sluices Damaged and needs reconstruction
If the work is checked by Engineer and what action
taken in the matter Estimate submitted
^.?T.^T"':T/ .S.C.Railway"'^
I Rgnigunta