Page 229 - CRS Engineering
P. 229
S.No. 1Description
1 General Particulars of R.A.T. .• •
Name of the Tank MangalamTank
2 District ; Chittoor
3 Name of Village & Mandal Mangalam (V) in Tirupati Urban Mandal
Latitude & Longitude
4 13"38'45" &79°27'30" (570/6)
5 Affected Railway Bridge and KM 206 & 204 & 137/7-8 to 139 KM
6 Railway section and between stations ' Renigunta - Kodur
7 Distance from Railway bridge to bund ( along the course of Nalla) 8 KM to 10 KM
II. Standard Hydraulic details '-'r
1 Catchment area . . ,,,, „ 1.40
2 Capacity of the tank 10.13 Mcft
3 Lowest bed level
4 Full tank level ( FTL ) 100.000 Mts •
5 Maximum water level ( MWL )
100.600 Mts
6 Danger Level ( DL ) ,
7 Top of Bund Level {TBL ) , _,
101.800 Mts
8 Top width of Bund . 3.00 Mts
9 Side slopes Front: 11/2 : 1, Rear: 2:1
10 Area of submergible at FTL 0.91
11 Area of submergible at MWL 1.12 so.Km
12 Are there any tanks in the catchment of ^bis tank. No
13 Are these tanks also classified asa RAT No
14 Name and details of these tanks No
III. Surplus weir
1 No. of surolus weirs Two
2 Length of surplus weirs 34.0 Mts at Right Flank, 9.0 Mts at left Flank
3 Tvoe of surolus weir B.C. Weir
4 Desien disrharpp T 629.93 rijsprs
IV. Sli jice .
1 No.of sluices . ••w;-"1-. One
Location of sluices • -s. v 90 M from Left Flank
3 Maximum design discharge .. v; ,
4 Functional or not Functional
\/. Inspection Details
1 Date of Inspection 13-02-2020
2 Nameand designation of inspectingofflcldfSt Sri. C.Wilson babu, ADEN, S.C.Railways, Renigunta
SriR.M.V.Ramana Murthy, Asst.Engineer, Irrigation
Section, Tirupati Urban
3 Ifthe quality for classification as RAT Yes
B: Taiikbund
Is thetoplevel ofthe bund uniformed and.^^s^per the
1 No
standards •
2 Isthe top width of the bund as per standards Yes
3 Are the slopes as per the standards Yes
4 Any dangerous gullies or scoured the bund
C; Surplus weir
1 Condition R/S surplus weir Damaged
! •
2 Isthe length adequate for design discharge Yes
3 Is danger level marked No
D; Condition of the sluice Damaged
E: Anypast historyof breach of the tani< and ifsp, details No
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sistant tf RaiJway
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