Page 226 - CRS Engineering
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irrigation CIRCLE: CHITTOOR                                  IRRIGATION DIVISION : TIRUPATI
             •irrigation SUB-DIVISION: TIRUPATI                            IRRIGATION SECTION : TIRUPATI URBAN

                           Report on Post Monsoon condition of Railway Affecting Tanks for the year 2019-2020

              1   <;!. No.
              2                                                            Chittoor
              3                                                            Tirupati Urban Mandal
                  Name of the Tank (or) bounded
              4                                                            Chennaya Gunta Tank
                  Name of the District Map
              5                                                            57 0/6
                  Agency responsible for the maintenance i.e.,- P.W.D or Panchayat  Water resources Department, Government of
                  Raj or Private
                                                                           Andhra Pradesh
              7   Railway line affected milage                             137/7-8 to 139 KM, Br.No.: 204
                  Railway milage of coming or surplus course of the tank of water
              8                                                            137/7-8 to 139 KM, Br.No.: 206
              9   Date of Inspection
              10  Name and Designation of the Inspecting Officep • •       Sri. C. Wilson babu, ADEN, S.C.Railways,
                                                                           Sri R.M.V.Ramana Murthy, Asst.Engineer,
                                                                           Irrigation Section, Tirupati Urban
                  a) Standards ofthe tank bund as perthe Railv;ay Affecting Tank
              11                                                           Yes
                  list                                                   :
                  b) Are there TBL slopes orother permanent marks to verify
                  whether top of bund is not prescribed level              NO
                  c)ln the top ofbund any where below prescribed level ifno
                  specifychange and storage in height                      No
                  d) Are thetopwidth and slopes according tostandards every
                  where width less and indicate extent by which itis less  '  As per the standards

                  e) Are there any dangerous gullies and cart tracks, opinion must
                  be required ifso specify the location                 '  No
                  f) Action taken to rectify defects noted in col: 11 (b) toII (e)
                                                                          Restoration work completed recently
                  g) Progress ofwork ofany on hand and the probable dateof

                  completion of the work.                               •  N.A.
              12.Surplus Weir
                  a) Length ofthesurplus weir as per theR.^.T. list
                                                                          30.0 Mts
                  b) Whether thework at site areasper the Ust ornot
                  Specify the variations ifany
                 c) Whether theMWL has exceeded oranything happened to
                 indicate thatthesurplus water are adequate ofinadequate  No

                 d) If sothe remindial meaasures contemplated, action taken  ;

             13. Sluices and other Masonry works
                 Are the sluices and the other masonry works ingood order, so as
                 protect endanger safety of the bund.
             14 Specify remarks ifany bythe inspecting the officer      :
                 Ifthe work ischecked by Engineerand wlrataction taken in the
                 matter                            ..                   •

                                  Ji/Pg vfifR nSrh"? ®''O^S?^ation
                         Assist''" f"' '-'ofRaifway
                                                                                   TIRUPATH! URBAN
                                       / Hsnig'Jnta
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