Page 223 - CRS Engineering
P. 223


                       S.No. iDescription
                       /. Genera! Particulars of R.A.T.
                         1  Name of the Tank                    : Anna Cheruvu
                         2  District                            : Chittoor
                         3  Name of Village & Mandal            : Chennaya Gunta (V) inTirupati Urban Mandal
                         4  Latitude & Longitude                : 13°37'56" &79°27'38" (570/6)
                         5  Affected Railway Bridge and KM      ; 20« & 130 & 135/42-135/44
                         6  Railway section and between stations  : Renigunta - Kodur
                            Distancefrom Railway bridgeto bund ( along the
                         7                                      : 8 KM to 10 KM
                            course of Nalla)
                       II. Stiindard Hydraulic details
                         1  Catchment area
                         2  Capacity of the tank                 8.45 Mcft
                         3  Lowest bed level           ,"
                         4  Fulltank level ( FTL )               100.000 Mts
                     ^   5  Maximum water level ( MWL )          100.600 Mts
                         6  Danger Level ( DL)   •
                         7  Top of Bund Level (TBL )  .i. ...    101.800 Mts
                        8   Topwidth of Bund      ' ^            3.00 Mts
                         9  Side slopes               " '.       Front: 11/2:1, Rear: 2:1
                        10  Area of submergible at FTL
                        11  Area of submereible at MWl.
                        12 Are there any tanks in the catchii^i^t of this tank.
                        13  Are these tanks also classified alRP,T ..
                        14  Name and details of these tanks  i   No
                       III. Surpius weir
                        1  No. of surplus weirs
                        2  Length of surplus weirs
                                                                 20.50 Mts
                        3  Type of surplus weir                  B.C. Weir
                        4  Design discharge
                       IV. Sk uce                  ~r-
                        1  No.of sluices                         One
                        2  Location of sluices                   Middle of the bund
                        3  Maximum design discharge
                        4  Functional or not
                       I/. A: 1 nspection Details  '
                        1  Date of Inspection
                        2  Name and designation of inspecting officials  Sri. C. Wilson babu, ADEN, S.C.Railways, Renigunta
                                                                 Sri R.M.V.Ramana Murthy,Asst.Engineer, Irrigation
                                                                 Section, Tirupati Urban
                        3  If the quality forclassification a?PAT
                      6; Tarfk bund                "T
                           Is the top level of the bund unifomied' and as as
                           per the standards        ,          '
                        2  Is the topwidth ofthe bund asper'standards  :
                           Are the slopes as per the standards  : Yes
                        4  Any dangerous gullies or scoure'ettiie bund
                      C; Suoolus weir
                        1  1 Condition              .  '         Damaged
                        2  Is the lengthadfequate for designdischarge  Yes
                        3  Is danger level marked              : No"         "       "
                      D: Condition of the sluice                Damaged
                      E: Anypast history of breach of the tantand ifso.

                                                                       SfeS^rfewilh,^aline,&    R
                               __ "V'. of Railway Offioialsgjneer
                                                                         TIRUPATHJ URBAN
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