Page 236 - CRS Engineering
P. 236


                                                       IRRIGATION SECTION :TIRUPATI RURAL
                      Report on PostMonsoon condition of Railway Affecting Tankc fprthp vp^r7niQ.7n-,n

            1  SI. No.                                 CHTIR002 000 PAK
            2  District:                               Chittoor
            3  Taluk/Mandal                            Tirupati Rural Mandal
            4  Name of the Tank (or) bounded           Peruru             ^
            5  Name of the District Map                57 0/6
               Agencyresponsible for the maintenance i.e., P.W.D or Water Resources Department, Government ofAndhra
               Panchayat Raj or Private                Pradesh
            7  Railway line affected milage            BR133 KM 96/27-29
               Railway milage of coming or surplus course of the
            8                                          BR133 KM96/27-29
               tank of water course
            9   Date of Insoecticn                    ' 11.02.2020
            10  Name and Designation of the Inspecting Officer  Sri. M.N. Krishnappa, ADEN, S.C.Railways, PAKALA.
                                                      : Sri. C. Ravi sankar, A.E., Irrigation Section, Tirupati rural.
                a) Standards of the tank bund as per the Railway
            11                                        : As on to day as per standards.
                Affecting Tank list
                b) Are there TBL slopes or other permanent marks to
                                                      : As on to day as per standards.
                verify whether top of bund is not prescribed level
                c)ln the top of bund any where below prescribed level
                                                      : As on to day as per standards.
                if no specify change and storage in height
                d) Are the top width and slopes according to
                standards every where width less and indicate extent : As on to day as per standards.
                by which it is less
                e) Are there any dangerous gullies and cart tracks,
                opinion must be required if so specify the location
                f) Action taken to rectify defects noted in col: 11 (b) to
                g) Progress of work of any on hand and the probable
                date of completion of the work.
            12.Surplus Weir
                a) Length of the surplus weir as per the R.A.T. list  : 40.00 M;s and 15.20 Mts

                b) Whether the work at site are as per the list or not  : Yes
                Specify the variations if any         ;
                c) Whether the MWL has exceeded or anything
                happened to indicate that the surplus water are  : Adequate
                adequate of inadequate
                d) Ifso the remindial meaasures contemplated, action
            13. Sluices and other Masonry works
               Are the sluices and the other masonry works in good
                order, so as protect endanger safety of the bund.

            14  Specify remarks if any by the inspecting the officer  :
                If the work is checked by Engineer and what action
               taken in the matter

                     —Stgnature with name &Designation          Signatun     le & Designation
                            of RailwayOfficials
                      /.sst. Divl. r.nrifneer                        irrigation? sechom
                           VrT^, s.C. Haiiway                         TfRUPATH^ RURAL
                         tfTrJ^JFTT PAKALA
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