Page 238 - CRS Engineering
P. 238

Annexure II       „^r.-rc
                                                                I                  Remarks
                    General particulars ofM  —       ^           POTHINAYANI CHERUyy
                    Nameofthe^^tank-^^-^         ' "           '^CHCTOOSOOOOPAK
                    Tank Code                                  " CHITTOOR
                                                                 PUTHALAPATTU (VILLAGE &MANDAL)
                     District  _ ^  -
                     Name of village &Mandal                     ;i3° 21' 30" &79'>09; 0"
                     Latitude&Uqngitude,                       " 616 KM 48/29-31
                     Afficted RailwaxBridge_& KM                 ISSE PW CTQ PTT-PAK
                     Nallah)       ——,          '
                   1 StandardJiydraLili^Petails    ' •             20.17 Sq.Miles
                      Catchnnent                 -        ^7Z!     ' 31.42 M.Cft.
                   I 'capacity of the Tank  _- ^                   • 319.00 M
                   3 Lowest Bed Level                              '  323.09 M
                      Full Tank LeveL(FrL)  ^              ^       I-  323.70 M
                   5 Maximum water leveKMWy                        »•  323.70 M _
                   fi Danger LevelJ^L)                      ^        324.92 M
                   7 Top of_Bu_n^                                     3.00 M _
                    R Top widthofjy"*^                             Front 1.5:1  Rear 2:1
                    9 Side slopes      ——                    '     7.25 M.Sq.Feet(67.^Hectors)__
                                                                  ;Yes 21 No.
                    . •Are these tanks also classifed as RATs ,    ;21 No.
                     4 Names _& 5jtails of these tanks  _
                    II Surplus vjeir
                    1 No. ofsuj2!ysw'!5                            ^M and45 M
                     2 'Lengths ofjurplusv^—^^                     IMasonry escapes          —
                     3 Types qf^urplu?.^®!''^—                     ^3705 Cft./Sec. or^ 104.918^0 Cum/S^
                     4 'Design Discharge
                    IV 'Sluice
                     1  No. ofSluices
                     2 Location ofSluices           -      '
                     3 Maximum Design Discharge^ „                  Closed requires repaires  —
                     4 FunctionalorJJot^^                  "
                     V A.                                           20-02-2020                  ^tsD  "G.D.Nellore @
                                                                    ^   D.S.Rajendra Prasad,    j,  irrigation Section

                                                                    ^Sri V.Damu Raju, P.Way,Chittoor.
                         ,,, Ifthetankqualif* for claKiflcatlor, as RAT
                         fjL'twwiurntM"'o™•«'»                       jNo,Required Restoration ofbunduptothe M.I.Stand
                                                                    ^ Yes

                         'c. SurplusJA/e^r
                           Condtion                  Design Discharge  'Yes
                         'ii) Is the length adguate for
                          iii) Is Danger Level Marked ?

                                                                              ith Name &Designation ofIrrigation Official
                                        &Designation of Railway Official
                           g^urewith Name
                                                                 ikMjsiant/txecutive tngin**®*'
                                                                      Irrigation Sectlef^»

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