Page 243 - CRS Engineering
P. 243

Annexure II
                                              FOR,0N or ».;nss|.ECT,ON R.rORTS

                   ' General earticulars^fM                      Reddy Cheruvu
                     NameoftheJ^                                 CHCT0049000PAK
                     Tank Code  _      — - - '                   •CHITTOOR
                                                                |p.l<othakota (V) Pu^aJipattuJ^an^,
                     District   ^
                    'r^n^ oL^geM'l'^                             U3°24'50"  8^79°
                    ' Latitude ^Longitu'ls                       :629 KM 54/5-9_
                     Afficted Railway.BndgeJJ<M  _               "SSE PW CTO Pjr-PAK

                    "^Standard Hy^uJicDetete     "               '26.30 Sq.Miles
                      Catchm^t^a                               "' 'l3.25 Mcft
                      Capacity of  Tank                             335.73 M
                      Lowest BelLeye'                            I+338.94 M
                     "Full Tank l-evel (FTL) _                    i+ 339.62 M
                      Danger LeveUSy                               + 340.84 M
                      Top ofjundj^l rr?y                          3.00 M
                      :top wdthofjund   —                         'front 1.5:1 Rear 2:1
                      ^Sideslopjl.                                '3^62 M.Sq.feet (33.63 Hectors)_
                      :>JUC 3IVK«-2^
                     " Area of submerg^ence atJTl^      —
                                                                  ;yes 62 Nos
                     , Are thesejajiks ato cla.s^fedlsRATs ?    _161Nos
                     I Narries &^e^ oXthese tanks__
                     I Surp|uiweir_                                INos.
                     ^ Nn nf surplus wejrs__  —-   -               124.70 M,
                     ^•LengthLofM&li!i^!^5lrs_-                    Masonry escapes
                     r Types ofsurplus weirs—                      4490Cft./Sec. or 127.14Cum/Sec
                     t !Design D2sdTarge__          ""   ^
                     (/ Sluice                                     '2Nos.
                     L No. ofSluices  __.                          Us at 20 M, andR/s^
                     )  Locatiqn^of^uices
                     3 Maximum^gnDjsclHrge           *              Notfunctioned Ussluice djniage^
                        A. InspectioilDetanes^                     ;2p-02-2020       j    CF   TSD   G.D.Nellore @1
                                                                   |Sri D.S.Rajendra Prasad, Dy.E.E.,  j^^igation Section
                                                                    'Chittoor., Sri H.Khader Baig ,    g   pgkala,
                                                                    Puthalapattu &    Sri M.N.Knshnappa, A.D.E.N,
                                                                    SriV.Damu Raju, P.Way,Ciiittoor.

                        iB.Tank Bund_  _ . -  - -
                                                                     Below the MI standards.
                         I) IsJh_e]op)__._^^^-^
                          T. the Toplevel^UheBund uniform_and_as standards

                         iC. SurgLuiWeir
                         'ii)^rtilngthadquatefor DeAQn.Discharge
                         iii) Is Danger Levell^ed ?
                                                                     reconstructed during 10/2007^
                         •D.Condition oftlie      T;,nk and if so, details

                          •—                  . ,o..    Official               Name&Designation ofIrrigation Off

                    T—5,.«r7V--) J> <9/^                        Irrigation Section,
                                                                PUTHAI APATTLI
                                                                                            DEPUTY EXECOTSVE Ej^GIWEHi'
                      Asst. Divl. Enpmfter                                                  IRRIGN, SUB-DIVIN. G.D.NELLORE d
                        -Q» / sc. Railway                                                            CHITTOOR.
                    • f^^/TIRUPATI
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