Page 239 - CRS Engineering
P. 239

Annexure It

                  _                   Description
                                                               iRamasamudramcheruvu  _
                   General particular^f R^T  -      y
                                                               "cHa0047000PAK         - -
                   Name ofjhe^tank _                        ^
                                                                CHITTOOR           -  ^
                 1 Tank Code       -                       ^    •polavaram (V) Puthalapattu Man^aL
                 5  District                                    13; 22' 15" &29°
                 , Name of village ^        -                   1616 KM 48/29-31 _ __
                 5 •Latitude &Longitude
                                                                 SSE PW CTO PTT-PAK
                                                                 4.80 KM
                  8  Naliah) ^  _   - .-  " '      _____
                  n StandardJydray"^ details                     14.75 Sq. Miles
                  1 Catchment Area     -- -                      9.67 M.cft.
                  2 capacity of theTank _            - ^           329.00 M
                  3 Lowest BelLeyel . _              ^            + 331.32 M
                  ^ F,„ Tank Level (Ftg  --^ ^                    + 331.93 M
                , 5 Maximunvwaterleve ( L
                   6 Dangejil^iDLl                  ^       ^    . + 332.84 M
                   7 TopofJund l^el(TBL)_—                       '3x0M
                   g Top wi_d^_of Bund__                   ^^    "Front 1.5:1, Rear2;l
                  '9 'Sideslop^          —                        3.60 M.Sq.feet
                   10 Area of su^meLQence a
                                                                  Yes 18 No.
                   ;3                                             '18 No.

                   III Surplu£^A^
                                                                  180.50 M
                  ' 1 No. of surplus weirs                       "^if^sonry escapes       . -
                    2 Lengths ofsurpjusweire
                    3 Types of surpjus weirs                       2487 Cft./Sec. or70.42 Cum/Sec
                    4 Design Discharge
                                                                   .3 No.               - -
                    IV  Sluice
                     1 No. ofSluices ^__-                         " iLeft flank,Right flank, Surplus wejr
                     2 Location_o£Sluices                          j^S sluice damaged Not function^ue to damag
                     3 MaximumDesign Discharge _
                     4 FunctionaJ^orNpt
                     V A. Inspect]prij?e^l;ajle^                   '^-02-2020           n^FF   ISO , G.D.Neliore @
                       'i) Date of inspectiOTL                     Isri D.S.Rajendra Prasad, Dy-t. -  irrigation Section
                                                                    Ichittoor., Sri H.Khader Ba^
                        i.,v M,.^o R, npsianatic
                                                                    Puthalapattu &.     "
                                                                    Sri V.Damu Raju, P.Way,Chittoor.

                            wta^qrffytor           as RAT
                         jllssrerssp?                                M.I, Standards, R&BRoad qnjop^f
                         hmsssss-.-:- ;r.                            INo.

                         'c. SurplusJA/eir       -                   Good
                       • "OCondtion        ^   - •   oesianDischarge  _yes
                         •|j) Is the length adquate for  _
                          iii) Is Danger Level Marked ?            ^_jR^uire repair^s_

                                                           . ,         ^fflwawf^th Name » ucs.
                                                                  {ftigation Seetienj
                                                                Page2 of 21

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