Page 43 - CRS Engineering
P. 43



                                               FOR THE YEAR ENDING WITH 2020

              , 1. District                                      S.P.S.R NELLORE
                2. Village / Panchayat Samithi                   Vallivedu / Venkatagiri
                3. Name of ttie Tank bounded water source        Vallivedu tank
                4. Number of the Dist map of Railway Affecting tank  103
                5. Agency responsible ofthe maintenance (I.e.) PWS
                   Irrigation/Agl. Private etc.,                 :WRDept/ Venkatagiri.
                6. Railway mileage of crossing of surplus        : KM 39 / 5 - 6
                    (Also Railway Bridge No. affected)              BrNo: 46
                7. Railway mileage of crossing of surplus course
                   of the tank of water source (also railway
                   Bridge No. affected)                          : Venkatagiri - Yallakaru

                8. Date of Inspection                             12/02/2020
                9. Name & Designation of Inspection Officer       Sri G Raghuram Murthy
                                                                  Deputy Executive Engineer, WR Dept.
                10. Bund
                a) Standards of the tank bund as per the Railway
                   Affecting tank list
                b) Are there T.B.L stones or other permanent marks
                   to verifywhether top of bunds as at prescribed
                   level or not
                c) As the top of bund any whether below prescribed
                   level Ifso, specify changes and shortage in height  No repairs required
                d) Arethere dangerous gullies and car track runts etc
                   which inyouropinion must be repaired urgently?
                   If so specify location
                e) whether the bund is constructed with the suitable
                  Materials and proper slopes
                f) Action taken up to rectify defects noted in (b) to( c)
                g) Progress ofwork, ifany on hand and the probable
                  date of completion of the work

                11. Surolus weir
                                                                 : Surplusweir No:1 fullydamaged and
                                                                 Surplusweirs no: 2&3repairs required
                a) Length of surplus weir as per the RailwayAffecting
                   tank list
                b) Whether the surplus at site are as per the list or
                   Not? Specify the variation ifany
                c) Whether either the M.W.L has exceeded or
                   anything has expanded to indicate that the surplus
                   weir are in delete or made in operative by
                   forming bunds in front etc.
                d) Ifso the remedial measures completed and
                  action taken
                12. Sluice and other Masonry works are in Sluices

                   and other necessary works in good order as not to
                   endanger the safety of the bunds
                                                                 :Surpusweirs repairs tobecarried out
                13. Special remarks ifany by the Inspection officer

                14. When was the latest checked by the Deputy    : The above Works proposed under
                   Executive Engineer and what action taken of the  NABARD Programme
                   same Taluk Officer if]          a

                                 fti i .m          jr - -SY,
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