Page 172 - Then Came the Glory
P. 172
Then Came the Glory
With permission from our Superintendent, I started full time ministry in Addis, but from time to time I returned
to Butajira.
In June 1986 I went to a place called Acheber, and
they brought a man named Motku Wurgessa, possessed by the devil, to me. Neither holy water nor medicines had
helped him, and he lay before me abnormal and unconscious. I first witnessed the oneness of God and the mighty power of
Jesus name to those who brought him and they agreed to bow with me in prayer. God's power drove sixty-five demons out of the man and delivered him from his distress. He glorified Jesus.
Astounded by the demonstration of power in Jesus
name, the ones who brought the man agreed to listen to the Word explained more fully the next day. I told them how to be completely saved and eight people received the Holy Ghost. I baptized them in Jesus Name.
On my next journey, we had a fellowship at Sibisto
that resulted in fifteen baptized in Jesus name and thirteen
filled with the Holy Ghost. Another fellowship three weeks
later saw sixteen baptized in the name of Jesus and fifteen
filled with the Spirit. Three of those saved got deliverance
from demon power. One of them, Felekech Mekurria
suffered the devil's torment for twelve years. Long separated
from her husband, the demons moved her to go to a wizard,
bow before him, and pay him tribute. He made her a
prisoner in his house, forced her to chew "Khat" daily, and isolated her from her friends and family. She feared to use
any utensil used by others and the wizard made her convert to the Islam religion. We prayed in Jesus name and He set
her free from every bondage. After baptism in Jesus name she received the Holy Ghost and lives today in peace and