Page 173 - Then Came the Glory
P. 173

Witnesses with Power
As more people found salvation, the surrounding
people began to oppose the preaching of the gospel. At our next fellowship in the home of Brother Dejene Mekuria, the
Orthodox priests came at night with a band who had spears,
rods, pangas, and rifles. They broke the door down with rods and stones and commenced beating Brother Dejene. Half of the attackers began screaming as if they held a thief and needed more help from the neighbors. Soon a large crowd gathered. When Sister Felekech asked, "Why do you beat my brother?" one of the men threw his panga hoping to cut her in half, but the Lord diverted the big knife. It did not touch her.
As they started to beat the rest of us, differences of
opinion between themselves and the bystanders hindered, and
finally the majority decided to take us to prison unharmed. The police put the men in one cell and the ladies in another
one, both of them very dark. We prayed and sang and
praised Jesus all night long. The next day we witnessed to the guards and God touched their hearts to prepare lamps for
us. What a wonderful night we had! We studied God's Word
together and sang songs in abundance. At 2:00 A.M. with the guards permission, we baptized four people in the name
of Jesus.
On the third day, the police asked us to forsake our
faith, and if not, we would be punished. All of us replied that we will not forsake our faith and we are ready to accept
whatever punishment they would give. Two ladies who had been freed from the devil, but not yet baptized, weakened and agreed to give up their faith. While they discussed it, the demon returned and moved back in where he had lived for fifteen years before we cast him out. One lady started crying

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