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In today's challenging environment, pharmacy contractors are actively
seeking ways to enhance efficiency and expand capacity without
incurring additional overhead costs. Many have turned to the adoption of
in-store robotics, a solution that demands substantial upfront investment,
ongoing maintenance expenses, and service contracts reaching into the
tens of thousands of pounds. With this in mind, the spatial requirements
make this option unattainable for numerous contractors.
In this landscape, Golden Tote stands out as the exclusive solution that delivers
in-store efficiency and reduces stock holding, all without the need for any upfront
investment. In the current state of the pharmacy industry, Golden Tote's relevance is
more important than ever.
Following member feedback, we have enhanced Golden Tote, by introducing new
We are committed to ensuring we provide our Golden
features aimed at assisting you in the streamlined operation of your pharmacy. This
Tote users with strong market pricing and protection
expansion is designed to free you from the dispensary bench, enabling you to dedicate
against the impact of a turbulent generics market.
more time to various tasks, including the provision of the Pharmacy First service.
We constantly review our pricing to ensure this. Speculation on
Members also fed back that they wanted purchase flexibility given the turbulence
availability of drugs can result in peaks of demand on certain
in supply and pricing. We will be relaunching Golden Tote with exciting new features
lines causing significant changes to drug prices, and as a
powered by PharmAssist. These include:
Golden Tote user, we insulate you against the impact of this.
• The flexibility to purchase products outside of PHOENIX, with the advantage of
To ensure you have full control over your product purchasing,
being able to assemble through Golden Tote to maximise efficiencies.
we're providing regular updates on stock availability and price:
• Targeted notifications on product availability and price.
• A drug tariff blocker, enabling you to block any lines over Drug Tariff with the ability
to self-verify barcodes via barcode manager.
Did you know?
For a pharmacy dispensing an average of 12k items per
month, you would expect to see a total of 40hrs of capacity
released back into the dispensary. Members would also expect
to see an overall reduction in stock holding of up to 45%!
The future of pharmacy is changing and, operational efficiencies have never been so important.
Get in touch with your Numark Account Manager or the Golden Tote Implementation team via to find out more.
08/02/2024 12:07:30
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