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The PMR power behind

                                                      your pharmacy

              Numark Assist Connect, powered by ProScript           New for 2025
              Connect – a leading Patient Medication                Constant Connect
              Record (PMR) software utilised by over 5,800
              pharmacies across the UK – is designed to             Now updated to be included in your system; a
              support our member’s in managing the day-             standout feature of Numark Assist Connect is
              to-day needs of their business seamlessly.            Constant Connect. In the unfortunate event of
              From dispensing medications to ordering and           an internet outage, Constant Connect ensures
              managing stock, Numark Assist Connect                 that your pharmacy continues to operate
              is here to ensure your pharmacy operates              without interruptions. This innovative feature
              efficiently and effectively.                          allows you to maintain access to essential
              Comprehensive care for your                           services and functions, ensuring that your
              community                                             patients receive the care they need without
                                                                    delay. Whether it's processing prescriptions,
              We’ve crafted the Numark Assist Connect               managing stock, or delivering clinical services,
              package to empower busy pharmacists                   Constant Connect provides the reliability you
              in delivering exceptional care to their               need to keep your pharmacy running smoothly
              communities. With this package, you can               at all times.
              experience seamless dispensing and efficient          Smart Pharmacy
              delivery of clinical services, thereby allowing
              you to focus more on what truly matters – your  End-to-end prescription service that uses
              patients.                                             push notifications to help patients track their
              Cost-effective leasing and financial                  prescription. Patients can now request their
              benefits                                              repeat prescriptions online using the Patient
                                                                    Access app if they have nominated your
              Members can lease all their necessary                 pharmacy, they will then receive automatic
              equipment and hardware over a 48-month                push notifications to their smart device when
              contract with 0% APR. This lease includes all         their prescription is with the pharmacy and
              hardware, maintenance, and software charges,          when the prescription is being processed,
              offering a hassle-free experience.                    saving you admin time. When the prescription
              To reward our members who spend with                  is completed, the pharmacist can select a
              PHOENIX, we provide a 1% rebate back                  predefined message to notify the patient that
              each month on their total PHOENIX spend               their prescription is ready to collect or out for
              throughout the entire four-year contract.   *         delivery!
                                                                    Patient Access for Professionals

                                                                    EMIS’ service booking platform, Patient
                                                                    Access, will work with you to help reach Patient
                                                                    Access users in your area, helping to increase
                                                                    your customer numbers and grow your

                                                                    This will help to drive more nominations, ability
                                                                    to identify popular services in your area to
                                                                    maximise bookings, and capture walk-in and
                                                                    phone bookings alongside any appointments
                                                                    booked online by customers, all in the same
                                                                    To find out more visit
                                                                    *This is based on a minimum spend of £20k, capped at £340 a month
                                                                    subject to terms and conditions.


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