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Digital advertising
                        Your check                        Consider advertising your
                                                          flu vaccination service on
                              list for                   local Facebook community
                                                         pages or community forum
                                                         websites. This is a great way
                           success!                     to reach a wider demographic
                                                          and also those customers
                                                         who are used to finding and
                                                           booking services online.
                               Engaging with patients
                            Engaging with patients that you
                             are delivering a flu vaccination
                           service is incredibly important and
                           there are lots of opportunities to do               Displaying marketing and
                        so! Remember that customers within the                   Point of Sale materials
                       ‘at risk’ groups may attend your pharmacy               In this month’s Member Support
                       up to five times within the flu season for a         Pack, you will receive your first batch
                     prescription, presenting multiple opportunities          of POS materials to market your
                      to get them booked in. Encourage your team             flu vaccination service in store. It is
                        to have conversations with all customers          advisable to start putting out marketing
                         visiting the pharmacy, whether bringing            materials around a month before the
                            in a prescription, purchasing OTC             start of the flu season. Displaying point
                            products or using other services                of sale materials around and outside
                            about whether they have thought                 your pharmacy will promote that you
                                 about being vaccinated.                     offer the service and drive footfall
                                                                                into your pharmacy for those
                                                                                  seeking their vaccination.
                                              Booking in your patients
                                                  for their vaccines                                Book
                                             Your patients may come direct                          your flu
                                                                                                    jab now.
                                           to you to get themselves booked                          Flu vaccinations available at
                                                                                                    this pharmacy. Speak to the
                                                                                                    team for more information.
                                            in to be vaccinated, after seeing            Book your
                                            marketing materials around your              flu jab now.  Book your
                                          pharmacy, seeing you advertise on              Flu vaccinations available   flu jab now.
                                                                                          at this pharmacy. *
                      Delivering         your own or local websites or following                      Flu vaccinations available
                                                                                                        at this pharmacy. *
                    vaccinations           conversations you and your staff
                   It is now time to         have had with them. Make sure              Speak to the team for more information.
                vaccinate! Make sure         there is enough time allocated             *Subject to eligibility criteria and consultation with a healthcare professional.
                 you are ready to do         for your trained staff to do so,
               so with all of the advice        and also make use of the                Book your    Speak to the team for more information.
                                                                                        flu jab now.
             mentioned above, including       HasHealth booking platform.               Flu vaccinations available   *Subject to eligibility criteria and consultation with a healthcare professional.
                                                                                        at this pharmacy. *
                                                                                        Speak to the team for more
                                                                                        *Subject to eligibility criteria and consultation with a healthcare professional.
               accessing downloadable
              implementation checklists
                 and service support
                   pack available on
                                                                                    Downloadable versions
                                                                                    available on NumarkNet!
                                                                                      More POS to come in
                    On NumarkNet you will find further information and               September’s Member
                     support which is regularly updated to ensure you                    Support Pack!
                    have everything you need to run a successful NHS
                    and private flu service. You also have our dedicated
                     Information Services and Patient Services teams
                    who are on hand to answer any questions you may
                       have. You can access all of this information at


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