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Compliance made easy

              Numark's Health Check Ensures
              Pharmacy Peace of Mind

              Helping and supporting our members is key for us                        We recently spoke to Patrick
              here at Numark, we want to help you stay complaint                      Teh, Superintendent/Director,
              with the regulatory standards, therefore have                           and Katherine Chan, Director
              recently launched a new service to help you with this.                  and Senior Pharmacist at CT
                                                                                      Pharmacy, to find out how
              Numark's Regulatory Health Check service provides                       they found the service and
              a thorough assessment to ensure your pharmacy                           how this has benefited them.
              meets GPhC standards.

              Katherine recalls discovering the service while updating the pharmacy's Standard Operating
              Procedures (SOP) on the Numark website. "I clicked through to find out more and thought it
              was a really good idea," she says. Patrick echoes her sentiment, emphasising the need for an
              assessment given the absence of an inspection in recent years. "We wanted to know how we
              were performing, especially with a mock inspection, to see where we stand before a real one
              happens," he adds.
              The Regulatory Health Check visit proved insightful for both Patrick and Katherine. They
              appreciated the positive approach of Numark's team, who ensured that most staff were
              present during the assessment.

                      "IT FELT LIKE WE WERE

                      GETTING HELP RATHER

                      THAN BEING EVALUATED"

              Patrick remarks. The virtual inspection process, with two assessors, Kieran and Clare playing
              different roles, provided a realistic assessment of their pharmacy operations.
              Documentation and risk assessment emerged as key areas for improvement during the
              assessment. Patrick notes, "If anything was missed or incomplete, they reminded us of and
              guided on where to find the information." He acknowledges the significance of updating
              risk assessments, particularly with the introduction of new NHS services. "Kieran and Clare
              emphasised the importance of updating areas like risk assessments and business continuity
              plans, which tend to be forgotten," Katherine adds.


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