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Unexpected turn “Sometimes you talk to people and
However, Richard’s journey into halfway through, you realise you’re not
listening and asking questions as an
pharmacy journalism began interviewer; they’ve just drawn you into
unexpectedly after a period of the conversation. Former Day Lewis
exploration. In his late 20s, he moved boss, Kirit Patel, sadly no longer with
to Melbourne, Australia, working at us, was like that – one of those people
the Royal Melbourne Hospital. When who would light up the interview with
he returned to the UK with his partner his enthusiasm and charisma. You
(now wife), he took a pharmacy would forget you were interviewing him
manager role in Portsmouth but found and just enjoy the conversation. John
the community pharmacy landscape at D’Arcy, a former Managing Director of
that time limiting and lacking variety.
Numark, was very similar.
“Community pharmacy is “I always enjoy talking to people
very different now and has outside our sector. I once interviewed a
very famous Welshman, Simon Weston,
changed significantly over the former Welsh Guard and Falklands
the last 30 years. veteran. Simon came to speak at
an event that my sister magazine,
But back then, it was mostly dispensing, Training Matters, had been organizing,
and I spent a very enjoyable evening
some OTC, and that was it. And while I with him. Simon came from a village
really enjoyed serving the community very close to where I was brought up
and feeling part of it, I felt – is this is in Wales, and his experiences in the
going to be it for 40 years?” Falklands struck an enormous chord
“There were nowhere near the clinical with me and the nation. And it was just
opportunities for community pharmacists fascinating, talking to him and getting
that there are now. I started looking around his perspective on life. His mother,
for other things and saw an advert in the a nurse, knew my father! A truly
Pharmaceutical Journal for an editorial inspirational figure with his charity
assistant on a title called The Independent work, considering everything he had
Community Pharmacist, which was based been through.
in the village where I lived in Hampshire. I “But I derive the most enjoyment when
assumed all publishing companies were I talk to pharmacists and pharmacy
based in London! team members on the front line. It
“I pitched up and my colleagues, who always really resonates with me,
I still work with 30 years later, all because they are extraordinary people
remember me in my shorts, handing over doing extraordinary things for their
my CV, with no expectations whatsoever patients every single day – and they
about getting the job. I basically talked don’t even realize it a lot of the time.
rugby with the Managing Director at These outstanding people, so dedicated
the time and completely fell into it by to caring for their local communities,
accident. I guess they saw something in always inspired me and give me hope
me that maybe I didn’t see myself. But for a brighter future of pharmacy.
instantly it felt like it was right for me. I
worked with some very good people and “When I talk to pharmacists at the
a brilliant editor, who I am still in touch sharp end, I always appreciate the
with, who showed me the ropes. And privileged position that I am in to tell
that was the start.” their stories of the amazing work that
they do, day in day out. Those are the
Memorable interviews interviews that stick in my memory.
Harry went on to ask: “I am sure
you have interviewed many people
through the years, are there any
interviews that have stood out to you
that are quite memorable?”
“This is a hard question to answer
because I’ve interviewed hundreds of
people over the years ranging from
secretaries of state to everyone else.
The ones that stood out for me are of
three types.
10/12/2024 09:22:46
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P4403.59-V59_Numark Pharmacy Magazine Jan 25 PRINT.indd 27