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Lessons                       COVID really brought the work of    Disastrous budget
                                          community pharmacy teams to
                                                                              Richard observed that the recent
            from                          the fore. During the pandemic’s     budget did little to address rising
                                          first year, March 2020 to March
                                                                              costs, indeed added to them,
            COVID                         2021, Richard witnessed an          especially for employers with increases
                                          extraordinary response from
                                                                              in the National Living Wage and
                                          pharmacy teams across the UK.
                                          In his role as Pharmacy Magazine    NI employer contributions. While
                                    editor, he observed their tireless efforts   Community Pharmacy England has
                                                                              a clear view of all the challenges
                                    to deliver critical services.             facing the sector, he felt the outlook
                                    He described it as both “the best         remains deeply uncertain, particularly
                                    of days and the worst of days” for        in England, where substantial
                                    pharmacy, a time of huge challenges       negotiations hadn’t yet started.
                                    but also remarkable unity and effort.     Even if a swift agreement on funding
                                    Watching his wife, a community            was reached, it would be some
                                    pharmacist, work late into the night, he   time before any money ended up in
                                    worried about the sector’s resilience,    contractors’ bank accounts, which
                                    yet was inspired by how steadfastly       concerned him given the perilous
                                    everyone pulled through. Reflecting on it,   situation facing many pharmacy
                                    Richard believes the pandemic elevated    businesses. Richard expressed
                                    pharmacy’s profile in the public eye.     disappointment with the new
                                    Harry went on to ask whether              Westminster government’s response,
                                    Richard thought it was possible to        noting the lack of actionable
                                    capitalise on that and use it within      support. In contrast, he viewed the
                                    community pharmacy.                       situation in Scotland and Wales more
                                    “I’m a bit conflicted on this. I mean,    optimistically, given their funding
                                    I’m a naturally optimistic person and     uplifts and clearer direction of travel
                                    I think a lot of the building blocks for   from a policy perspective. Resolving
                                    developing pharmacy’s role are slowly     England’s funding issues remains
                                    falling into place that mean a brighter   critical, he maintained.
                                    future for the sector, certainly in terms   Prescribing differences
                                    of service expansion and from the         Harry asked: “It’s interesting you
                                    point of view of clinical development.    mentioned Scotland and Wales. If you
                                    COVID played a big role in that. And      bring in the independent prescribing
                                    lots of things are happening around       aspect, with these countries going
                                    service expansion, use of technology,     down the generalist route, we’ve
                                    data, and things like that. There is      got in England the pathfinder sites,
                                    clearly an ambition on the part of the    which are maybe more specific about
                                    sector and profession to do more. But     therapeutic areas. Any thoughts on
                                    the funding situation makes it so, so     that?”
                                    difficult. I feel there are troubling and
                                    worrying times ahead.                     “Harry, you will be very familiar with the
                                    “The precarious funding situation,        way the prescribing service in Scotland
                                                                              has evolved over many years into
                                    certainly in England, is showing no signs   what it is today,” Richard responded.
                                    of easing. And until the sector has fair   “In contrast, England is playing catch-
                                    funding and the stability that it so      up with a more complicated model.
                                    desperately needs, some of the more       However, we don’t really know what
                                    exciting service developments just are    the service might look like until the
                                    not possible as pharmacy owners are       pathfinders are evaluated.
                                    unwilling or unable to invest in their
                                    businesses. The future is too uncertain.  “The thing that strikes me is, in Wales
                                    It’s so tough out there. We are hearing   and Scotland, it was identified early
                                                                              on where the gaps in care and service
                                    heartbreaking stories virtually every     provision were. This allowed community
                                    week about the difficulties pharmacy      pharmacy prescribing to plug into those
                                    owners are facing and the measures        gaps and shift demand. There is a
                                    they are having to take just to keep      clear view of where prescribing fits into
                                    the doors open and their heads above      primary care in Wales and Scotland,
                                    water. It’s become about survival – and   whereas in England, the model has
                                    community pharmacy should be about        been flipped completely on its head,
                                    so much more than just survival. Yet      with new pharmacists as independent
                                    sadly it’s exactly that, a fight to survive   prescribers at the point of registration.
                                    for many. Patient care can only suffer.”

                                                                                                                 10/12/2024   09:23:10
         P4403.59-V59_Numark Pharmacy Magazine Jan 25 PRINT.indd   28
         P4403.59-V59_Numark Pharmacy Magazine Jan 25 PRINT.indd   28                                            10/12/2024   09:23:10
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