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Are you ready
            Are you ready

            for the Electronic
            for the Electronic

            Service (EPS)
            Service (EPS)

            launch in wales?
            launch in wales?

              The launch of the Electronic Prescription             Now, it’s time to ensure your pharmacy is
              Service (EPS) in Wales is just around the             ready for the final steps.
              corner. This transformation marks a shift             Your roadmap to EPS readiness
              from paper prescriptions to a fully digital
              process, enhancing convenience and safety             We’ve designed this guide as a roadmap to
              for patients and pharmacies alike.                    keep things simple and actionable. Follow the

              Over recent months, we’ve shared tips to              steps below, and use the QR codes to access
                                                                    essential resources directly.
              help you prepare, from patient nominations
              to equipping your teams with the right tools.
              Patient Nomination quick guide

                Ensure the Patient Nomination Screen is open on the
                 computer used for labelling walk-in prescriptions.

                  Enter the patient details in the patient search screen.

                        Is the patients NHS number listed.             If no NHS Number is shown, then the
                                                                        patient is NOT already nominated.

                Patient is NOT currently nominated to the pharmacy.  Check patient is nominated on the nomination screen.

               Add an ‘EPS’ Nomination identifier to the prescription                           Continue with labelling
                                      bag.                                                          the prescription

                Verbal consent to be added to the patient’s record on
                                    the PMR.

                      Mark EPS on the top of the prescription.

                  When the marked prescription is handed out ask      Patient MUST be given
                 the patient. ‘Can we set you nomination for future   sufficient information about
                                 prescriptions’.                     EPS when gaining consent.

               Return prescription form to dispensary for nomination   Explain benefits of nomination to the patient and re-
                              to be set immediatly.                     confirm if they would like their nomination set.

                                                                     Return the prescription      Thank the patient.
                                                                    form to the dispensary for   Cross ‘EPS’ off the top of
                                                                     the nomination to be set    the prescription form.
                                                                      Verbal consent to be         Mark “Nomination
                                                                      added to the patient’s   declined” on patients PMR
                                                                       record on the  PMR.              record.

                                                                      File the prescription in the counting ‘box’ for issuing.


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