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But what

                    will they do?

                    How and where will they                   success stemmed from a decade of refinement and
                    plug into the system?                     integration within the wider healthcare system.

                    “So it becomes much more complex.         He believed prescribing could be transformative for
                    My concern with the pathfinders is        pharmacy, especially in the areas of long-term condition
                    that they only really got going in the    management, minor ailments, and other specialized fields.
                    last couple of months and will run until   However, he emphasised that England’s commissioning
                    March 2025, I think. It’s not much time to   structure would need to prevent demand simply shifting
                    work out workable prescribing models      elsewhere in primary care. Empowering pharmacists in
                    with such a complicated agenda, even      these areas, he felt, would improve system efficiency,
                    though the pathfinders are looking at     clinical care and be pivotal for the profession. However,
                    some very interesting areas.”             several barriers in England would need addressing
                    Richard went on to say that he viewed     before reaching this stage including funding, in-
                    Scotland’s prescribing model as a         practice supervision and whether existing registrants
                    promising template, noting that its       would even want to become prescribers.

                    Transformative change
                    Richard reflected on the                  He observed that Numark had stepped up its
                    transformative changes he had seen        leadership role in recent times, particularly in clinical
                    in journalism over the past 30 years,     leadership, which had not always been aligned with
                    particularly in how engagement            the entrepreneurial spirit of independent pharmacy.
                    with readers has evolved. Early in his    He was particularly struck by Numark’s “Pillars
                    career, the publications he worked on     of future pharmacy practice”, which he believed
                    were print based, with limited reader     provided a clear roadmap for both the company
                    interaction, mostly through letters.      and the wider sector. He acknowledged Numark’s
                    However, the rise of the internet and     leadership in professional development, noting its
                    social media shifted this dynamic,        focus on technology, capacity building and data
                    allowing for much more direct             utilization. He praised the organization for moving not
                    engagement. While social media could      only itself but independent pharmacy forward.
                    sometimes be a toxic and unpleasant
                    place, he saw it as a valuable tool for   To finish off, Richard was asked
                    connecting with readers and making        how he would like to work with
                    content more relevant and engaging.       Numark going forward.
                    The advent of podcasts an webcasts        “When I think of that question, I think of all the
                    during the COVID-19 pandemic              pharmacists and pharmacy teams at Numark who
                    further changed the landscape.            do amazing things; innovative, advanced things.
                    With an overwhelming amount of            And we, as a print and online title, need to be talking
                    information to process, Richard’s team    to your members all the time, telling their stories,
                    introduced podcasts to make content       because disseminating good practice is an incredibly
                    more accessible, a format that quickly    important part of what the pharmacy press does. We
                    gained popularity. He noted that over     always need to be getting closer to you, finding out
                    the years, his editorial teams produced   exactly what your members are up to. Then Pharmacy
                    more content — maybe about three          Magazine can help spread the word because that’s
                    times as much as before — despite         how the sector grows – highlighting good practice,
                    having smaller teams, which was a         drawing attention to it.
                    testament to the shift in demand for
                    content on the part of readers.           “Pharmacists love reading
                    Richard also noted a significant shift    about other pharmacists
                                                              and finding out what their
                    in Numark’s approach, particularly over   peers are up to. I know
                    the past year or so. Reflecting on a      we have our “Northern
                    conversation many years ago with a        Pharmacy Tour” coming
                    former Numark CEO, Terry Norris, he       up in early 2025, Harry. I’m
                    emphasised that Numark had always         really looking forward to
                    been an integral part of the independent   seeing in person all the
                    sector and thus had a responsibility to   innovative things your
                    provide professional leadership, not just   members are doing.”
                    support for members.

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