Page 15 - P4304.1-V100_PS Magazine - August 24 PRINT
P. 15

Keeping a check on your discounts

              Who is accountable for ensuring this is done?

              By Caroline Pond

              I’m going to have a bit of a rant
              here; I apologise in advance, but I
              need to get a point over and it is an
              important point, so please read on.

              It is not good enough to assume someone in
              the practice is dotting all the I’s and crossing
              the T’s when it comes to managing your
              dispensary finances. It really isn’t. So, can you
              tell me who is carrying out all the checks in your
              practice to make sure you are making the most
              of the financial opportunity available to you?
              It seems to me that we all think someone else
              is ‘keeping an eye’ and is doing all the financial
              admin but oh my gosh, that just isn’t the case
              in so many practices and the consequences are
              often near financial disaster.

              Your dispensary is a business, and it should
              be run as a business with someone at the helm
              who has a clear understanding of how you
              are faring at any point in time. Let me use an
              example of the type of attention to detail I am
              referring to here. You might want to use it as
              a test for your team to see if anyone is really
              managing the business as it should be.

                 Branded Medicines

                 You should all understand by now that a
                 branded prescription item will incur a loss
                 unless you manage to achieve a discount
                 to counter clawback. Clawback is the
                 discount that is deducted from your drug
                 payment each month and for the vast
                 majority of you it will equate to 11.18%.

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