Page 6 - THE HUB WINTER 2021_Neat
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Stuart Connelly is Head of Culture, Leisure and Bereavement Services for DMBC and he visited the Club to
speak but sadly his power point would not work as the Council network was down. Not to be beaten he bravely offered a
Q&A session which was extremely interesting to members. There were many difficult questions asked but he addressed them
with honesty, tact and clarity.
Stuart was invited again, not simply for another meal, but to deliver his original presentation on the Cultural and Leisure
Services of Dudley. He explored all that Dudley has to offer including the new Leisure Centre and the development of all the
other aspects available in Dudley – all of which have been highlighted in a current TV ad.
He answered questions and left members feeling that Dudley is working hard to improve its image – not least to achieve
City status!
To start the new month of September Rtn Pauline gave an impromptu talk as the speaker cancelled at short notice – that
day! As it was the start of term in the new School Year, she reflected on how teaching had changed since her career began
in 1965 at Dormston in Sedgley… No courses or social work, she just taught! She took pupils to the Astley Burf Camp
unaware that the site had been donated by a Dudley Rotarian. She talked of exclusions, irate parents, travellers on site,
child protection, Ofsted and so on. In 20 minutes she covered forty years of teaching and all the challenges she had faced
but concluded that she had really enjoyed her career but would not want to be a Headteacher now!
PDG Rtn Trevor Davies shared with members all the little things we can all practice toward protecting our Environment.
He had a short video presentation which was followed by discussion. Afterwards, he emailed all some very helpful
The Mystery Speaker, better known as President Colin, had made an excellent presentation on Me Aad
Grandfadther as he traced the Knipe family through the years showing us their occupations and where the family lived.
October was another month of issues with speakers. The first meeting David Folkes should have shared ideas on the perfect
landscape photograph but, sadly, the Zoom did not work and anyway no contact had been made with David….
However Colin hastily improvised by showing some You Tube scenarios!! No further comment…
Then Lizzie Hayes from the Lighthouse Counselling Centre had to delay her visit so Pauline stepped in again - with a little
more notice this time. It is the time for the Primary School Spelling Competition so she had prepared a PowerPoint
showing scenes from 2019 as the pupils struggled to spell words and explained the process. Then came the shock…she
had prepared an adult version. With much pencil chewing and scratching of heads, in pairs they agreed to participate??
Colin and David Loftus had the top score of 63, John Graham and Keith came second with 56 and the rest followed…
Thankfully all accepted it with good humour.
Martin Marston from
Woodside Crafts
This was the first time that Martin
had addressed a group so it must
have been quite daunting for him.
He explained how he had started
Woodside Crafts ten years ago as
a non-profit company initially based
at the Woodside Day Centre but
now the business is situated at 36
High Street in Dudley. It caters for
President Colin with Martin… The interior of the shop
people with mental issues,
depression or anxiety and they can
come for £15 per day where they
can learn woodcraft and other skills
supervised and supported by five
volunteers – no-one at the centre is
paid. The income is generated from
the sales of the goods. There
followed many questions as his talk
had sparked considerable interest.
And the workshop areas above the shop
The Club donated £200 to Martin
for this enterprise as they receive no public funding.