Page 2 - HUB Winter 2021
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Inner Wheel Farewell Lunch
This occasion had been planned to be held on Thursday 1st
July but Covid restrictions caused a delay until Thursday
29th July at The Lodge. However this did not affect the
celebration of 84 years of service, fun and fellowship
experienced by the members, past and present, of the Inner
Wheel Club of Dudley.
Over fifty Inner Wheel members, friends and supporters President Colin presented a cheque of £776.08 to match
arrived to see the room set out with cheerful pink serviettes the funds raised at their recent Fizz and Strawberries
and delightful flower arrangements on the tables which set afternoon as a contribution to their final charity donation –
the scene for the celebration. With drinks agreed, grace the odd amount was explained later.
was said by the oldest member Betty Harvey and then all The charity in question was the First Responders and
settled for a carvery meal – remembering to wear a mask Michael Leadbetter explained their work in conjunction with
and sanitise hands before serving themselves. This was the Ambulance Service. Now the cheque…a combination of
followed by dessert and coffee served at the table.
Inner Wheel funds and recent fundraising, the legacy of Julie
President Mo welcomed everyone and then the speeches Rowen who sadly died recently (her husband John and
began. The Past District Chair Wendy Barnard spoke of the daughter Lisa were present) and the odd amount of the
Club’s work. Both Chris Black and Jennifer Rumney had Rotary cheque which made a round
joined in 1975 but it fell to Jennifer to tell some tales. Then figure of £2,500. As Michael had
Past President David Wilkes, who had been President with no idea of the amount he was
Mo in 2020/21, shared the many activities enjoyed ‘gobsmacked’ and thanked
between Rotary and Inner Wheel over the years and everyone.
congratulated them on all they had achieved in their 84 Finally it came to President Mo’s
years – and extended an invitation to join the Rotary Club Valedictory which she gave with
or simply continue to enjoy activities with us...
such composure as all realised that
this was the final one. A final toast
to the Inner Wheel closed the
A truly wonderful afternoon of
celebration enjoyed by all present.
Keep in touch Inner Wheelers!