Page 7 - HUB Winter 2021
P. 7
A Surprise Talk from our President Colin
Due to the fact that our speaker had been ‘pinged’ and so unable to join us as in isolation, President Colin gave a talk
about To-leung Man, known to Club members as ‘Tommy’. Tommy joined the Club in January 1999 and died whilst still a
member in June 2016. His widow Lai-Ming Woo is known to members affectionately as ‘Winnie’. She is a devout Buddhist
and, to ensure that Tommy’s soul is resting in peace, she determined to do 4 years of service in his memory so she has been
doing community work at the Buddhist Temple in Brierley Hill. In addition, each year she has visited China and been
assisting in a monastery on Fanjing Mountain. At the request of the Master at the monastery she went their last September
and has been unable to return because of Covid. She hopes to come home in October. Here you see the mountain peaks
and temples which make Fanjingshan a UNESCO World Heritage Site – these are just two of some stunning photographs
Winnie has sent Colin.
President’s at Home at Priory Close
With so many fingers crossed, the weather did turn out dry and quite sunny
after varied weather reports and ample gazebos erected in case of rain.
Forty Rotarians and partners arrived soon after 1.00 p.m. with Colin being
an excellent car park attendant, using neighbours’ drives etc.
The wine etc flowed and then all sat down to an excellent buffet served from
two long tables laden with food.
No speeches or toasts but
simply an afternoon of
fellowship and fun.
Our thanks to our hosts
Judith and Colin.