Page 5 - HUB Winter 2021
P. 5
Centenary Award Evening on Monday 21st June at The Lodge
This evening was the first occasion for members to meet together at The Lodge since the single meeting we had in
September before meetings became forbidden.
All socially distanced, we were able to welcome the Scouters from 7th Dudley Scout Group who had received the Award of
£2k in 2019. Sadly, they had not been able to use the funds for their original purpose of purchasing a mess tent as the
lockdown had curtailed all their activities. However, the funds had been well used in keeping the Group afloat during lock
down so they were ready to welcome back 45 youngsters as they began their activities again. They had also recruited three
new leaders to assist with these so it appears that the Group will now move forward again. President David stressed that
they should keep in touch especially if in need of further help at any time.
Darren from Brooklands Amateur Boxing Club had told us
during the meal how he had started the Club in his own
house and garden but, as it grew, they found their current
premises - the former Methodist Chapel – about five years
ago. The Club continues to grow despite there being several
other Clubs in the area so they have started again but with a
waiting list as they want to get in as many youngsters as
possible. After being in lock down for over a year, the
youngsters are now knocking the door down to get back in,
not only for the
boxing but to
socialise with friends and release some energy.
They plan to maximise their space by using the waste ground at the back of the
building to extend the activities in their gym and cater for fitness work.
Eventually they aim to have some cover there with a timber building as well to
cope with their increasing numbers.
The Centenary Shield was displayed afar off on a table but Ray explained that
it had had a small citation added in memory of Andrew for whom this Award
had been important. Ray then thanked both groups for their presentations and
company this evening.
Sunday Ramble on 13th June – the hottest day so far?
Armed with bottles of water and sunhats and covered in suntan lotion, thirteen intrepid ramblers set off from a car park in
Trysull about mid morning. Sandra led the way across a small road and over the first stile and then off across the fields in
the blazing sun. After a short discussion as to the next path to take, a decision was made – no-one wanted to walk in the
wrong direction.
The vegetation had
grown abundantly, first
with the rain and then the
sun, and paths had
become more overgrown
and those in shorts were
challenged as to whether
to walk along the path or
in the fields!
But who chose this path?
As we started smiling and full of energy.
Finally, we reached the Staffordshire Way and were afforded some shade but later
more hot sun along the paths and roads.. The ramble ended at Roger’s where we
ate our picnics and Roger and Ray worked the barbecue to cook sausages and
beefburgers and then Carole found some ice creams. Everyone was so tired that
no-one took photos… as we sat under the sunshades. Thanks to Tim & Sandra our
guides and the Scott-Dows our hosts. Is this the start of Rotary fellowship again??