Page 6 - HUB Winter 2021
P. 6

CHADD  A talk by the CEO Anna Walsh

       When Anna came to update the Club on CHADD’s           increase in referrals of 35% since the pandemic with 77
       activities, I believe that most members were taken by  having to be turned away and referred elsewhere. There is
       surprise with their varied activities. Her first statement was  also an increase of 30% in outreach work in this area.
       that they provide home and support – a safety net and  Lockdown caused a balancing of decisions to be made but
       springboard to enable people to thrive.                there were no outbreaks, only two contracting Covid whilst
       She explained that theirs is a charitable concern which is  in hospital. They have maintained a team spirit and
       small but growing as they have merged with Langstone   supported staff with none being furloughed.  Remote
       Society, thus increasing the staff by 120 and doubling their  activities have kept people engaged. However there has
       overall workforce.  They are now in new offices at Brindley  been an increase of 33% in the homeless, 72% on benefits
       House which has some community space. They have a 5    and 58% using foodbanks with food and fuel poverty rising
       year strategic plan of capital investment, including £390k  as well as a decline in general well-being, social skills and
       for Rotary House, first to renew the three boilers but then  confidence. Response Kids Holiday Club, meals, activities
       more improvements.                                     on line and 400 food parcels being delivered to CHADD
       Their support extends to young people and families with  tenants have kept them busy. However with 80% of residents
       housing and activities and support with parenting, CV’s etc.  and tenants vaccinated,  they hope to return to a more
       They also support individual living and care services for  relaxed social life with less anxiety.
       those with mental health issues and also learning and
       physical disabilities. Sheltered housing and outreach  Possible projects
       services are provide for older people such as in Rotary  Young People into employment   Employment Coach for two
       House. Almost full occupancy is achieved by offering   years Playground at the Women’s Refuge where there are
       incentives for the smaller less popular flats.         14 flats with about 130 women per year and 150 children
                                                              passing through. The Playground is currently being
       They have had a Women’s Refuge in Dudley for 37 years to
       meet the needs of over 130 women a year including their  researched for actual costs as their initial costs were
       children in 14 flats. Sadly domestic abuse has seen an  unrealistic.

                     Fred Jones Target Bowls Evening at the Hilly House

       Our first real social event of the new Rotary Year was held on Wednesday 14th July with 27 Rotarians and partners
       enjoying a summer’s evening with bright sun and a slight breeze. Perfect. The green was in excellent condition compared to
       our previous experience at another venue when we were bowling on hard soil. We were aiming at – but not often hitting -
       the targets … 3 points if on the red, 2 on the green and 1 on the black.
       Perhaps the sun was in our eyes, or
       we could not bend down low enough
       or the bowls simply rolled over the
       target and off? It didn’t really matter
       as everyone enjoyed their drinks and
       chatted whilst waiting their turn. The
       wining team was Bob and Gill who
       scored an amazing 19 points and
       President Colin presented them with
       the Fred Jones Memorial Trophy

                                                (his Paul Harris medal) and a bottle of wine. It was fitting that Colin had
                                                invited Fred’s son to join us for the evening with his wife Jackie. Close
                                                second with 14 points were Tim and John Clark followed by joint thirds with
                                                12 points the Jones and Knipe teams. The activity ended with a Knockout
                                                Round which Trish won for the ladies and David Loftus for the men.
                                                Finger or thumb? Brief instructions on how to do it and then the
                                                The question as to how Trish and David both managed to score on the red!?
                                                Then it was time for some food and more drink as the staff at the Hilly
                                                House delivered our meals as we all chatted on our tables of four. A happy
                                                ending to a very pleasant evening of three hours of fellowship with our
                                                thanks to David and Roger for organising this annual event once again as
                                                freedom nears and activities can begin.
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