Page 9 - Magazine 07 Of June 2024_Neat
P. 9

Baptistery - 2024 │ Message from School Bursar

                                Man &

                                M O NE Y

           SCHOOL BURSAR

                    riginally, Money   associated with commodity
                    was  defined  as   money.
                    anything    that
          Operforms              the   In this modern day world,
          functions of  medium of      besides   these   functions
          exchange, unit of account,   of money mentioned abo-
          store of value and standard   ve, money has become
          of deferred payment (J.M     a  powerful player  in  the
          Keynes in “General theory    society and hold more          10,000Rwf without trembling.
          of employment, interest      importance than anything       Man has lost generosity, he
          and money).                  else.                          makes money but money
                                                                      makes him its slave.
          Money was neither made       The    society   goes   on
          in laboratory nor did one    measuring the man in terms     However few theories have
          person sit down and bring    of money as man loses value    been advanced to advice
          it into existence. It just   and the society goes behind    people on how they should
          evolved through many         money.  This is known as       behave with money.  Among
          steps depending on the       “money madness” in the         others I can mention: “A wise
          needs of the society and     society.                       man should have money in
          the shot comings of the                                     his head, but not in his heart.
          preceding  stage. These      The man who doesn’t have       (Jonathan Swift)”; “Money is
          stages involve: barter trade   money never gets respect     only a tool, it will not replace
          (the predecessor to money),   in the society then he well   you as the driver. (Any
          commodity money, durable     deserves all the guilt,        Rand)”; …
          commodity money, metallic    criticism and blame that
          money,  fiduciary  money     comes  with  poverty.  And     Money never made a man
          and electronic money.        those who have money are       happy, financial peace isn’t the
                                       respected and obeyed by all.   acquisition of stuff. The more
          The money was evolved        So the man too goes behind     a man has, the more he wants.
          to solve the problems of     money to get the social        Let us use money  to live  in
          double   coincidence    of   status.                        harmony  rather  than  fighting
          needs    associated  with                                   because of money. This would
          barter trade, the problem    Some  people  confirm  that       be a better solution for a better
          of perishability, bulky to   no man gives 1000Rwf           tomorrow.
          transport and indivisibility   without pain and none gives

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