Page 14 - Magazine 07 Of June 2024_Neat
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Baptistery - 2024 │ Message from Teachers
- Teacher -
It means that you may not seem are to provide with them holistic
It is said in English: “The hand that intelligent now, but you will be. education.
rocks the cradle rules the world.” Believing that you can learn is
That is to mean that parents the most important step of being Another way to learn more
(mothers) have a great deal of a good student. Confidence is effectively is to make a routine.
influence on the development of their important at any age. When we Have special times each day or
children, and that good parenting feel confident, we are more likely week when you study. Routine
is very important. According to to try new things and it will help us is important in reducing stress.
Alison Gopnik, PhD: Learning improve our abilities. When you do not have a plan,
begins literally from the time babies life is uncertain. Good students
are born and there’s even some The second step of being a good also study over many days. They
evidence there’s learning inside the student is understanding what do not try to study every thing at
womb. In this contemporary world, kind of learning you prefer. Take once. Instead, it is better to the
the best and paramount legacy from language as an example. Some same information several times
a parent to his child is education people learn language best by over long period. If we learn a
coupled with good upbringing. listening using materials such as fact once, we lose the information
podcasts, audiobooks, etc. But quickly. But if we learn again
Parents take their children to schools other people learn by doing. It after a short period, it will stay
to be imparted the knowledge so helps them apply the knowledge. in our memories. The more we
that they become future potential They might need to speak to repeat, the more we remember.
generation. When learning, some others to learn best. It is better to
students face some drawbacks and be a social learner and learn with Last but not least, good student
get depressed. There comes a time others. asks questions. If you don’t ask, no
when learning is felt too complicated one will be able to help you. A
due to various factors including the In addition to that, being a good good student needs to quench the
change of environment which can student also means taking care of curiosity of knowledge.
be a challenge. Therefore, learning oneself. Our brains work better
can be difficult in or out of school. when our bodies are healthy. This When some students have clear-
Sometimes, we forget too quickly means eating and sleeping well cut objectives in their learning,
otherwise we lack some materials. (at expected time), drinking lots should work hard in order to
So, effective learning requires an of water, taking time for breaks sweat over their success in their
influence of number of factors. and exercise are best things that studies. Therefore, I encourage
help learning as it is said: “all all students in our school as well
The first step for a student to works and no play makes Jack as other schools to cleave to the
learn better is having confidence a dull boy.” For this I plead with tips above so that they become
in him/herself. Some students all students here at school to good students. Remember this: “A
spend their times thinking that they participate in any extra curricula dream does not become reality
are not intelligent, but this is not activity including various sport through magic; it takes sweat,
true. Learning is how to become games, clubs, choirs respectively determination, and hard work.” –
intelligent. We all begin as children their churches because they help Colin Powell.
with little knowledge, we learn students being healthy both
and grow. Being a student means physically and mentally since we
continuing this process.