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Baptistery - 2024 │ Message from Teachers

     TEACHERS                       their  assignments  within  the  given   to achieve specific goals or tasks
                                    deadline.                       efficiently.  It  involves  prioritizing
     Planning and organization:                                     activities,  setting  realistic
     Teachers should plan their lessons,   Time management skills: Students   objectives, minimizing distractions,
     activities, and assignments in   should learn to prioritize tasks,   and allocating time for each task.
     advance.  They  should  have  a   set goals, and manage their time
     clear schedule and timeline for   effectively. This includes creating a   Effective time management leads
     completing each task.          personal study schedule, breaking   to increased productivity, reduced
                                    tasks  into  smaller  manageable   stress levels, and a better work-
     Timely delivery: Teachers should   chunks, and avoiding procrastination.   life balance through techniques
     ensure  that  they  start  and  end   (TRACY, B. (2000). Eat That Frog! 21   such as creating schedules, using
     their classes on time. They should   Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating   to-do lists, and breaking down
     allocate appropriate time for each   and Get More Done in Less Time.   larger projects into smaller tasks.
     topic and ensure that they cover   Berrett-Koehler Publishers.  “168 Hours: You Have More
     the syllabus within the designated                             Time than You Think” is a time
     timeframe.                     Attendance and participation:   management book written by
                                    Students should attend classes   Laura Vanderkam and published
     Accessibility: Teachers should be   regularly  and  actively  participate   by Portfolio in 2015.
     available during designated office   in class discussions and activities.
     hours or provide alternative means   This shows respect for other students’   In  this  book,  Vanderkam
     of communication for students to   time and contributes to a productive   challenges  the  commonly  held
     seek  clarification  or  assistance.   learning environment.   belief that there is not enough
     They should respond to students’                               time in a day to accomplish all the
     queries, submitted assignments,   Meeting deadlines: Students should   things we want to do. She argues
     and tests within a reasonable time   submit  their  assignments,  projects,   that we all have the same amount
     frame.                         and  tests  within  the  specified   of time each week - 168 hours -
                                    timeframe. They should be aware of   and it’s how we choose to spend
     Grading and feedback:          the due dates and plan their work   those hours that determines our
     Teachers  should provide timely   accordingly.                 productivity and satisfaction in
     and constructive feedback on                                   life.(VANDERKAM, L. (2015). 168
     assignments, tests, and assessments.   Seeking help: Students should seek   Hours: You Have More Time Than
     They  should  have  a  well-defined   help from teachers or classmates   You Think. Portfolio.)
     grading system and communicate   when needed. If they are struggling
     the criteria and expectations to the   with  managing  their  time,  they  can   Effective time management is of
     students.                      reach out for guidance and support.  utmost importance for teachers
                                    Overall, both teachers and students   as  it  enables  them  to  optimize
     Adaptability: Teachers should   have shared responsibility for time   their productivity, reduce stress,
     be  flexible  and  adaptable  in   management. By prioritizing and   and create a positive learning
     managing their time to accom-  valuing time, they can create a more   environment for their students.
     modate unforeseen circums-tances   efficient  and  productive  learning   By managing their time efficiently,
     or changes in the schedule. They   environment. (Allen, D. (2001).   teachers can enhance their lesson
     should communicate any necessary   Getting Things Done: The Art of   planning, maintain a balanced
     adjustments  to  students  and   Stress-Free Productivity. Penguin   workload,  and  improve  their
     parents in a timely manner.    Books).                         overall classroom organization.
                                                                    Time management also allows
                                    Time management is not about    teachers  to  prioritize  their
     STUDENTS                       finding more time, but rather about   professional growth and personal
                                    utilizing the time we have in a more   well-being, fostering a sustainable
     Responsibility: Students are res-  efficient and effective way.   and fulfilling teaching career.
     ponsible for attending classes
     on time and being prepared for   Time management is the process of   By embracing effective time
     each lesson. They should complete   planning  and  organizing  one’s  time   management,  teachers  have  19

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