Page 18 - Magazine 07 Of June 2024_Neat
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Baptistery - 2024 │ Message from Teachers
to each task, resulting in better Improved student outcomes: Tasks and Eliminating Distractions!
quality work. They can allocate time Effective time management helps Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc).
for planning, reviewing, and revising school staff allocate sufficient
work, leading to improved accuracy, time to plan and deliver engaging
fewer errors, and better outcomes. lessons, assess student progress, and ACCOUNTABILITY
Increased professional growth: By provide individualized support. This OF TEACHERS AND
managing their time effectively, ultimately contributes to improved
school staff can create opportunities student outcomes and academic STUDENTS TO TIME
to focus on professional development success. (Thalheimer, W., & Ross, S. MANAGEMENT
activities such as attending seminars, M., III (2003). Time Management
workshops, and training sessions. This Mastery: How to Get More Done
continuous learning enhances their in Less Time by Prioritizing Your Teachers and students are both
skills and knowledge, contributing to accountable for effectively mana-
their professional growth and career ging their time. Here are some
advancement. points on the accountability of
Better teamwork and collaboration: each.
When school staff manage their
time well, they can allocate time for
effective communication, planning,
and collaboration with colleagues.
This fosters teamwork, coordination,
and sharing of ideas, improving
overall productivity and the quality
of outcomes.
Improved punctuality and deadlines:
Time management enables school
staff to understand the importance
of punctuality and meet deadlines
consistently. This not only reflects
professionalism but also ensures that
tasks, projects, and activities are
completed on time, maintaining a
smooth flow of work in the school.
Enhanced work efficiency: By
managing their time effectively,
school staff can eliminate time-
wasting activities, focus on essential
tasks, and streamline their workflow.
This leads to increased work efficiency
and the abiity to accomplish more
within the available time.
Increased job satisfaction: When
school staff effectively manage
their time and accomplish tasks in a
productive manner, they experience
a sense of achievement and job
satisfaction. Completing work on
time and meeting goals provide a
sense of fulfillment and motivation to
continue performing at a high level.