Page 252 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 252
Utilize streetscape trees to create cool micro-climate conditions and reduce
Minimize irrigated landscape and use turf areas deliberately and sparingly.
ective of Provide areas for outdoor and collaborative research or projects and allow
SITE DESIGN PRINCIPLES Site design principles were established early in the planning process to guide the development of the plan. These principles for Mines are intended to: Provide opportunities for a diverse mix of uses. Allow Mines to develop as a dense and walkable environment with accessible classrooms, research, housing, and recreation. building heating and cooling demands. Minimize or eliminate fertilizer ne
jurisdiction, is essential to a successful product. Through balanced interaction,
The best design solutions evolve from an active and organized collaboration
the team members should continually evaluate design decisions to properly
across the duration of a project. Collaboration between all team members,
INTEGRATED DESIGN PROCESS including the client team, the design team, and the authorities having inform the project to allow for unique and appropriate solutions. Successful design relies on an integrated process that considers innovation, sustainability, and ongoing maintenance. Colorado School of Mines Facilities Master Plan 246