Page 250 - Mines Facilities Plan
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include disciplines ranging from architecture to urban design, site design, and
These design guidelines reinforce the Facilities Master Plan principles at a
variety of scales. Organized topically, the guidelines provide a framework
upon which future design professionals can build. The topical guidelines
Walking Paths and Bikes Sustainable Landscapes and Water Conservation Stormwater Management Tree Protection Malls, Plazas, Courtyards, and Greens, Lawns, and Gardens Athletics and Recreation Natural Areas Natural Areas
ABOUT THIS CHAPTER landscape architecture. Design Process and Principles Density Building Massing and Height Building Placement Balancing Buildings and Open Space Energy Conservation Materiality Streetscapes Surface Parking
projects emerge, it is important that those charged with creating the plans and
state as opposed to being proscriptive and limiting of creativity and innovation
overall campus unity in the layout, detailing and selection of both architectural
Across institutions, design guidelines represent a continuum of approaches to
The goal of these design guidelines is to promote a degree of standardization
promotes unity of development as a campus without resorting to uniformity of
special place in the life and history of Mines. As new facilities and landscape
development, from highly proscriptive (stylistic requirements and proprietary
designs understand the importance of balancing individual expression with
The Facilities Master Plan builds on previous planning efforts to preserve,
functionality are not compromised. They are intended to describe a future
protect, and enhance facilities, open spaces and landscapes that have a
while allowing for flexibility and ensuring quality, campus aesthetics, and
building materials) to visionary (expressions of purpose or intent). Mines
INTRODUCTION and site elements. PURPOSE OF DESIGN GUIDELINES in planning and design. architectural style of buildings. Colorado School of Mines Facilities Master Plan
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