Page 253 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 253

Facilities are to be of a design and construction quality commensurate with
                                              Facilities should be planned for interdisciplinary and inter-technology

                                          Use of innovative features and systems is highly encouraged.

                                                       university-level research buildings. Facilities, including the envelope and engineering systems, shall have an  anticipated service life of no less than 25 years. Exterior materials shall be consistent, in terms of quality, with Class A     ce space.  The Plan

                                                 collaboration.      commercial offi

                                                              
                                             The architectural design guidelines are intended to facilitate both an approach
                                                            The campus should be perceived as an integrated whole, with an overarching
                                                      enforce major organizational concepts to advance realization of the Facilities
                                                                      All new buildings should achieve U.S. Green Building Council Leadership
                                                                                                             ciency, recovery, and
                                                   tool intended to be used to assess proposed designs for new buildings and
                                                               organization relating to primary and secondary facades, building entries,
                                                to development and an architectural dialogue. The guidelines are also a

                                                                           in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED ® ) Silver certification or higher. Mines, supporting openness and connectivity while encouraging security. Materials should be contextual to Mines’ history and the region, and be  Reuse of on-site existing materials is highly encouraged. Demolition of

                                          ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN PRINCIPLES

                                                                  service nodes, and materiality.  Architecture should express the innovative and technical missions of   recycled and environmentally responsive. existing buildings should evaluate reuse of existing materials in other  Buildings should be oriented to take advantage of daylighting, utilizing  passive and active solar systems and renewable energy features. Building systems should be designed for energy effi

                                                        Master Plan.                        applications.            conservation.
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