Page 399 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 399

Refer to Appendix B for a list of proposed projects as a part of the master plan
                                             this report. These neighborhoods are Central Campus, the Innovation Hub,
                                                West Campus, Research Park, South Campus, and Mines Park. These are
                                           cation within                 HEATING LOAD:  BTU/H PER GROSS   SQUARE FEET  25  30  35  55  40  30  25  40  25

                                          The campus was divided into “neighborhoods” for easy identifi

                                                                         COOLING LOAD:   GROSS SQUARE FEET   PER TON  350  320  320  300  220  450  480  350  300  Appendix 2:  Utilities Master Plan

                                                  described in more detail in Section 3.0.  and their anticipated year to begin design.  PEAK COOLING AND HEATING VALUES (BY BUILDING TYPE)  BUILDING  TYPE    ce/Library  Offi  Academic  Academic Research  Old Research/Laboratory  New Research/Laboratory  Old Residence Hall  New Residence Hall  Residential + Dining  Recreation

                                                     flow of the campus, fosters interaction, updates learning tools and technology
                                                                          water and steam utilities capacities, infrastructure and distribution along with
                                                                       the next several years. Through this SBEC has reviewed the campus chilled
                                             enrollment as well as the number of students wanting to live on-campus and
                                                                             the electrical infrastructure. The existing conditions have subsequently been
                                                  a vision to expand and renovate in such a way that the growth improves the
                                               therefore has a need to expand for both academics and housing. Mines has
                                                                                  Facilities Management to accommodate and serve the future growth of the
                                                                    Plan to be the vision and resource for the school to expand and grow over
                                                                 Facilities Management and SmithGroup have developed a Utilities Master
                                                                               summarized and SBEC has made recommendations with the guidance of
                                          The Colorado School of Mines (Mines) is consistently growing in student
                                                                er • Baucom Engineering & Consulting (SBEC) in conjunction with
                                 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
                                                                                               compilation of existing drawings, existing reports, existing metered data
                                                                                         The information within this report regarding existing buildings and utility
                                                        and preserves historical context as well as campus identity within the
                                                                                            infrastructure was generated through an iterative process involving a
                                                                                                   and input from Facilities Management. No field surveying was performed  and no flow measurements were taken to generate this report. The table  below shows the peak cooling and heating values (by building type) used to  generate projected future cooling and heating loads.

                          1.0                              community.  Shaff          campus.
   394   395   396   397   398   399   400   401   402   403   404