Page 402 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 402


                   Already in Construction Part of the Campus Infrastructure Project  – Runs Parallel to 12” HPS Main from  Heating Plant at Cheyenne Street Part of the Campus Infrastructure Project  Part of the Campus Infrastructure Project  Part of the Campus Infrastructure Project  Part of the Frontiers Bldg Infrastructure   Part of the Frontiers Bldg Infrastructure   Part of the Frontiers Bldg Infrastructure   Part of the Campus Infrastructure Project  Prior to Res Halls VII and

                REMARKS                        Project  Project  Project             online

                REQUIRED UPGRADES New 6” HPS / 3” CR to Spruce Hall (Res Hall VI) New 8” HPS from heating plant to the Coolbaugh   Upgrade 8” HPS to 14” HPS along Cheyenne from   13th St. to 16th St. Upgrade 6” HPS to 10” HPS along 16th St. to the   CoorsTek Building New 6” HPS / 3” CR and CS/CR from Res Hall VI to   Illinois St. New 6” HPS / 3” CR to HPS/CR and CS/CR from  Illinois St. to Frontiers Bldg New 8” HPS / 3” CR from Frontiers Bldg to CTLM   Tunnel Upgrade HPS from 6” to 8

                YEAR  2019  Line                            2020              2023                2027         2028

                   There is one (1) existing steam heating plant and piping
                                 this plan when diversity is considered. This will require
                                    upgrades to the existing steam piping network in order
                              buildings being added to the heating plant as a part of
                      network distributed in an underground tunnel system
                           capacity and can accommodate all of the proposed
                        serving the campus. This plant currently has spare

                                                                                                                      Colorado School of Mines Facilities Master Plan
                                        to maintain an appropriate fluid velocity for the steam.  These upgrades are summarized in the table to the right. Additionally, the steam piping network is anticipated  to be looped within the Research Hub as a part of the  master plan. This proposed new loop is anticipated  to be all new 8” steam and 4” condensate piping. The  existing condensate routing and sizing received a  limited big picture review as a part of this master plan.  Detailed

               STEAM                                                                    building.                     396
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