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for  a period  of 2  weeks  each  for
                                                                                             18-20 hours a day as per aligner
                                                                                             company  protocol.  The  sheets
                                                                                             used were CA PRO PLUS and were
                                                                                             printed in SCHEU Biostar. The
                                                                                             patient was called for recalls every
                                                                                             month to check tracking of teeth
                                                                                             and fit of aligners. The desired
                                                                                             outcome was achieved within 40
                                                                                             weeks. The post alignment FIGs
                                                                                             show considerable expansion and
                                                                                             sufficient reduction in crowding
                                                                                             of lower anterior teeth. Following
                                                                                             this  the  attachments  were
                                                                                             removed and removable retainers
                                                                                             given to be worn daily as we
                                                                                             proceeded with planned occlusal
                                                                                             rehabilitation. 3
                                                                                             STAGE ii - STAGED
                                                                                             After  pre   alignment  was
                                                                                             completed, following chairside
                                                                                             deprogramming, fresh diagnostic
                                                                                             impressions, Facebow transfer
                                                                                             and photos were taken and sent to
                                                                                             the laboratory. (Precision Dental
                                                                                             Studio, Mumbai)1
                                                                                                With the help of extra oral and
                                                                                             intra oral photographs, a 2D Smile
                                                                                             Simulation was done adhering to
                                                                                             Golden Proportion. This help us
                                                                                             verify the size, shape and position
                                                                                             of teeth.
                                                                                                Upon agreement of Size, Shape
                                                                                             & Morphology of the design
                                                                                             file, the next step was to print a
                                                                                             diagnostic. 2
           Fig 3: Aligner simulation                                                            The laboratory was asked to
                                                                                             fabricate and send 3D designed
                                                                                             and printed models with raised
                                                                                             vertical dimension by 2-3mm.
                                                                                             A putty index of the 3D printed
                                                                                             models were made using addition
                                                                                             silicone (Honigum, DMG). The
                                                                                             patient’s teeth were spot etched
                                                                                             (Ultraetch, ULTRADENT) and
                                                                                             spot bonded (Scotchbond, 3M )
                                                                                             and the 3D designed raised vertical
                                                                                             and restored teeth were transferred
                                                                                             into the patients’ mouth using APT
                                                                                             technique (Aesthetic Provisional
                                                                                             Temporary) The raised bite was
                                                                                             equilibrated bilaterally to remove
                                                                                             any interferences with 200 micron
                                                                                             occlusal marking paper (Bausch).
                                                                                             The patient was left to test drive
                                                                                             the raised vertical for 3 weeks and
                                                                                             monitored for para joint related
                                                                                             discomfort. 1
                                                                                                After thorough evaluation and
                                                                                             stabilization we decided to prep
                                                                                             the teeth and shift the patient to
           Fig 4: Aligner Print Model
                                                                         Dental Practice i March-April 2023 i Vol 19 No 2  13
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