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Multidisciplinary section
patient was left for 2 weeks to check for function
and any para joint discomfort. At this point in
the patient’s mouth, all anterior sextant upper
and lower teeth are full contour zirconia crowns
permanently cemented while the posterior
teeth remain Lab made Milled PMMA Crowns
Temporarily cemented. 1
Following a break of 2 weeks the patient
was recalled and bite checked for function,
and para joint discomfort and bite checked
and equilibrated (Bausch, 200 micron). The
posterior teeth were anesthetized and PMMA
crowns removed. All posterior preps were
refined and double cord placed (00+000
SureEndo) and impressions made with addition
silicone (Honigum, DMG), bite registration
(Virtual Bite Paste, IVOCLAR) and facebow
transfer recorded (ADDLER), and sent to the
lab (Precision Dental Studio, Mumbai) for
fabrication of posterior full contour zirconia
Upon receiving the posterior final full
Fig 12: Anterior Final Prosthesis on Patient contour zirconia crowns from the lab, the
posterior PMMA crowns were removed
and teeth cleaned. The zirconia crowns were
PMMA temporary in situ. After final taken. The anterior PMMA milled temps checked in the mouth for fit, high points, shade
cementation of anterior full contour zirconia were then cemented back with temporary and function. Upon patients’ approval all teeth
teeth, we moved to changing posterior milled cement (TempoCEM, DMG) and patient were anesthetized, cleaned with prophy paste
PMMA temps to full contour zirconia while sent home. (Clinpro, 3M) and crowns cemented with
maintaining established anterior vertical Upon receiving the anterior final full RMGI Cement (FUJI PLUS, GC). The teeth
with the final full contour zirconia crowns contour zirconia crowns from the lab, the were cleaned for excess cement and bite checked
permanently cemented. anterior PMMA crowns were removed and equilibrated and polished. At this point in
All anterior sextant teeth were and teeth cleaned. The zirconia crowns the patient’s mouth, all anterior and posterior
anesthetized (Lignospan 1:80,000 ADR- No were checked in the mouth for fit, colour, sextant upper and lower teeth are full contour
adverse reaction noted) The anterior PMMA aesthetics, shade and function. Upon zirconia crowns permanently cemented. (28
crowns were removed, preparations refined patients’ approval all teeth were anesthetized, units) 1
and double cord (Sure endo 00 + 000) placed. cleaned with prophy paste (Clinpro, 3M) MiYO® Esthetic System is a liquid ceramic
Putty wash impressions were made with and crowns cemented with RMGI Cement system by Jensen. It gives technicians a wider
additional silicone (Honigum, DMG), bite (FUJI PLUS, GC). The teeth were cleaned palette of true to life like colour choices thereby
registered (Virtual, bite registration paste, for excess cement and bite checked and enabling them to re-create natural looking
IVOCLAR) and facebow transfer (ADLER) equilibrated and polished. After this the restorations. 1
16 Dental Practice i March-April 2023 i Vol 19 No 2