Page 15 - DP Vol 19 No 2 HR_Neat
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Fig 10: Anterior CAD Design File
                                                                                    centric and eccentric movements (Baush, 200
                                                                                    micron paper) to establish a new envelope
                                                                                    of function at a raised vertical dimension.
                                                                                    At all stages the facebow (ADLER) and bite
                                                                                    (VIRTUAL, IVOCAR) was recorded and
                                                                                    transferred to the lab for articulator mounting.
                                                                                    Following this the patient was left for 6 weeks
                                                                                    to adjust and test the new bite in function.
                                                                                    Periodic checks were made to investigate para
                                                                                    joint discomfort. All excursive movements
                                                                                    were checked periodically for interferences
                                                                                    and   centric  maximum  intercuspation
                                                                                    equilibrated bilaterally to ensure the patient
                                                                                    was comfortable. All PMMA temporary teeth
                                                                                    were cemented with Non Eugenol Temporary
                                                                                    Cement (TempoCem, DMG) 1

                                                                                    STAGE iV(A): DEFiNiTiVE FULL
                                                                                    CONTOUR ANTERiOR ZiRCONiA
                                                                                    After 6 weeks the patient was checked for
                                                                                    comfort, function and ability to chew food.
                                                                                    The bite was double checked with 200 micron
           Fig 11: Anterior Final Prosthesis on Model
                                                                                    (Bausch) for any interferences in centric and
                                                                                    eccentric motions.
                                                                                      The plan in phase 4 was to first change upper
                                                                                    and lower anterior sextant (upper + lower
                                                                                    canine to canine- 12units) from milled PMMA
                                                                                    to full contour zirconia while maintaining
                                                                                    established posterior vertical with the milled

                                                                         Dental Practice i March-April 2023 i Vol 19 No 2  15
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