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Ronil Kakodkar, who is the son of the esteemed
                        dental technician Rahul Kakodkar and a member
                        of Precision Dental, Mumbai, shares his unique
                        journey from a professional golfer to a passionate     During a conversation with  Dr. Mukesh Katara,
                        dental technician. Ronil opens up about his love       the founder of Katara Dental Labs, he shares his
             for dentistry, nurtured over eight years of working with exocad’s   philosophy on the importance of continuous growth
             evolving modules and upgrades, which he calls the “backbone” of   and evolution — precisely what drew him to the
             CAD-CAM solutions. He feels the exciting innovations in exocad    exocad roadshow as exocad is constantly evolving.
             have broken the everyday monotony of routine labwork. His   His key takeaway from the roadshow? The excitement of seeing
             personal favourite exocad feature — ‘The Smile Creator’ as it helps   experienced users using the software for  diverse applications and
             in pre-planning the case and better patient conversion. When   presenting their cases. Adding to the conversation, his associate,
             asked which animal best represents exocad and why; his response   Mr. Vaibhav, reveals his favorite exocad feature, — ’the implant
             – the “dolphin” as it is very friendly and interactive with humans.   module’. Dr. Katara also suggests that exocad could consider
             His question for exocad — What AI features will be integrated   offering smaller workshops tailored to different experience levels.
             in the software? To find out the exocad management’s response,   Curious about the exocad management’s response? Scan the QR
             watch the full interview video by scanning the QR code.  code to watch the interview and find out.

               Dist  inguished speakers, Danesh Vazifdar and Rahul Kakodkar,   extensive software  enhances  case  decision-making  —  learn  it
               shared their insights on the exocad roadshow and the transformative   well, and it becomes a powerful tool.” Adding to that, Rahul
               impact of digital dentistry. Danesh called the roadshow a fantastic   emphasizes its value in seamless communication, enabling clear
               initiative, bringing clinical and lab teams together across cities and   case presentation to dentists and patients before the treatment
               showcasing the vast possibilities within digital dentistry. Rahul   even begins.
               adds that the roadshow offers a unique opportunity to understand   They further share their experiences on how exocad has made a
               the evolving synergy between clinics and labs and to get a sneak   profound impact in their laboratories and explore the emerging
               preview of what is going to come in the future.    trends they foresee in the lab industry. Scan the QR code to watch
               Danesh gives his top tip for labs using exocad! “Mastering this   the full video and discover their fascinating insights.

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