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           Fig 27: Drying outside the oven to fix the staining.  Fig 28a-c: Opaque dentin B4 was used in the exposed root area, A3.5 dentin and Enamel Clear
                                                  (1:1) in the cervical third, Enamel Light and Enamel Clear (1:1) for the incisal third, and Enamel
                                                  Extra Light on the edges. The restoration was completed.
                                                     color scale for metal-ceramics (Vita VMK).   (Dentsply Sirona), we refined the internal
                                                     With color scales of this type, one can   characteristics of the crown to imitate the
                                                     imitate and evaluate the color effect of a   contiguous natural teeth. Specifically, a
                                                     metal-ceramic restoration. Comparing   1:1 mixture of Cooper and Pink was used
                                                     VMK shade guides layered with the same   to intensify the central incisal area. In the
                                                     dentin but different enamel types from the   mesial and distal parts,  we applied a  1:1
                                                     Ceramco 3 system (from left: White, Extra   mixture of incisal colors i1 and i2 (Figures
                                                     Light, Light, Medium, and Dark), there is a   37a to 37c).
                                                     clear difference in the light intensity of the   With Ceramco 3 ceramic layering,
                                                     incisal area (Figures 36a and 36b). Figure   the color effect and crown shaping were
           Fig 29a-c: The finished restoration.      36a was taken with a polarization filter,   completed. First, we applied a 1:1 mixture
                                                     while Figure 36b was taken without.  of A4 dentin and Super Clear Enamel to
           corresponding to the glaze mass is arranged as                              the  cervical  third. In  the  incisal, mesial,
           described above. From left to right, there is a   COLOR CORRECTION AND      and distal areas, we used a mixture of violet
           progressive increase in translucency of 25%—left   FINISHING                enamel, blue dentin modifier, and super-
           is more opaque, while right is more transparent.   To correctly match the neighboring   clear enamel in a 1:1:2 ratio. In the center
           Considering the thickness at the thinnest part of the   implant crown, we first reduced the buccal   of the incisal area, we added a 1:1 mixture
           sample (0.8 mm) and the experience we’ve gained   area with burs. The “wrong” enamel was   of natural violet enamel and super-clear
           from fabricating such teeth, in our case, a glaze   removed to apply the new enamel with the   enamel, along with a strip of red-orange
           mass like the one shown in the center is appropriate   correct light intensity and translucency.   mamelon. We then covered the entire
           (Figures 34a and 34b).                    At  the  same  time,  other  internal  features   incisal third with a 1:1 mixture of Medium
              In accordance with the ceramic manufacturer’s   identified during the bisque bake test   and Extra Light natural enamel masses
           reference table, we initially planned to use Natural   were added and reproduced using the   (Figures 38a to 38c). The texture, surface,
           Light glaze for this case. However, as mentioned,   Internal Live Staining technique. In the   degree of polishing, and natural-looking
           this was not the right choice. Therefore, based on   next step, we gave the implant crown its   abrasion marks were achieved through
           knowledge gained from the samples, we opted for   characteristic color, definitive shape, and   mechanical finishing, concluding the
           a medium glaze with lower light intensity. It was   texture with super colors and layered   restoration process (Figures 39a to 39c).
           also necessary to increase translucency in this   ceramic masses, focusing on the smallest
           glaze mass by adding 50% of a transparent glaze —   details necessary for the artificial tooth to   CEMENTING APPOINTMENT
           Natural Super Clear glaze. Figure 35 shows a sample   closely resemble the neighboring natural   On the day of the cementation appointment,
           of the metallic alloy used to create an individual   teeth. Using  Universal Stain and Glaze   final DSLR images were taken and re-

           Fig 30a-c: Slightly defective optical integration due to increased light intensity, with flash on the incisal edge.

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