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of the central incisor 21, the tooth contiguous to it. Normally,
              Hue          Natural enamel        Opal effect enamel       Mamelon  one would have oriented toward the lateral incisor still
              i1             E xtra clear               C lear opal                      Y ellow-orange  present in the first quadrant, but unfortunately, its condition
              i2             E xtra clear               C lear opal                      Y ellow-orange  was not ideal either, so it too would need to be reconstructed
              i3             E xtra clear               C lear opal                      Y ellow-orange  (Figures 7a and 7b). Upon examining tooth 21 in detail, we
              i4             W hite                         W hite opal                     Y ellow-orange  noted some similarity to the teeth in the shade scale chosen
              i5             W hite                         W hite opal                     Y ellow-orange
              i6             W hite                         W hite opal                     Y ellow-orange  by the dentist, but we also recognized relevant differences.
              i7             W hite                         W hite opal                     Y ellow-orange  Therefore, we began the laboratory analysis with polarized
              i8             W hite                         W hite opal                     Y ellow-orange  photographs (Figures 8a and 8b). Because the patient was 49
                                                                                                          years old, we intentionally looked for specific features typical
              A1            E xtra clear               W hite opal                     Y ellow-orange  of older, natural teeth and found what we were looking for.
              A2           E xtra clear               W hite opal                     Y ellow-orange
              A3           C lear                         W hite opal                     R ed-orange  CHARACTERISTICS OF OLDER TEETH
              A3.5        C lear                         M edium opal                  R ed-orange  • The dentin of young teeth is yellowish-white in color with
              A4           C lear                         M edium opal                  R ed-orange  a high brightness value. With age, the brightness decreases,
                                                                                                          and the dentin becomes dark-yellowish-brown.
              B1            E xtra clear               W hite opal                     Y ellow-orange  • The translucency of the enamel layer increases, which is
              B2           E xtra clear               C lear opal                      Y ellow-orange  why the dentin and enamel-dentin boundary become more
              B3           C lear                         C lear opal                      R ed-orange  visible, resulting in a more pronounced color effect. At the
              B4           C lear                         C lear opal                      R ed-orange  same time, there is also a change in the opalescence effect,
                                                                                                          from a light blue color, which is more opaque in a young
              C1            C lear                         C lear opal                      Y ellow-orange
              C2           C lear                         C lear opal                      Y ellow-orange  tooth, to a darker red color that is more pronounced.
              C3           M edium                     M edium opal                  R ed-orange  • This color change results in “old” teeth having a darker
              C4           D ark                          M edium opal                  R ed-orange  shade and lower brightness value, but simultaneously an
                                                                                                          increase in color saturation.
              D2           E xtra clear               C lear opal                      Y ellow-orange  • The incisal third becomes abraded, further accentuating the
              D3           C lear                         C lear opal                      Y ellow-orange  visual characteristics of an “old” tooth. In the present case,
              D4           M edium                     C lear opal                      R ed-orange  this is particularly evident on the plaster model (Figure 9a).
                                                                          • Due to abrasion and friction, the surface becomes polished
                                                                          in the incisal area. This also creates microcracks and
           Fig 10: After completing the color analysis, we selected the necessary materials
           for the ceramic masking based on the reference table of the Ceramco 3 system.   depressions (Figures 9b and 9c), where discolorations form
           This ensured that we could accurately replicate the analyzed characteristics.  and calcifications are deposited, leading to characteristic
                                                                          discolorations. In the interproximal areas, stronger
           However, it was seen that waxing up with the soft gingival mask could no   discolorations occur because they are more difficult to clean.
           longer be repositioned exactly (Figures 3b and 3c), so it became necessary to   • In some cases, exposed dentin can be observed, particularly
           trim it according to the previously established emergence profile contour to   opaque in the incisal area, with  either abraded or non-
           reposition the wax-up exactly (Figures 4a to 4c). A removable gingival template   abraded cusps.
           is useful to verify the exact positioning of the abutment on the implant. After
           the adjustment and repositioning of the wax-up, it was possible to fix it with a   CERAMIC LAYERING
           silicone mask. In this way, an anatomical template of the planned restoration   After finishing the color analysis, we selected the ceramic
           was obtained (Figure 5a), which could be cut as desired if needed and used   masking based on the Ceramco 3 system reference. We were
           for each intermediate step and for checking the final dimensions, for example,   confident we could imitate the corresponding masses we had
           checking the space available for the truss structure. First, we used the template   analyzed (Figure 10). We began by matting the metal truss,
           to reduce the wax-up in a targeted way for the truss, thus creating ideal space for   using the opaque Ceramco 3 paste and sprinkling the opaque
           the subsequent aesthetic ceramic masking (Figures 5b and 5c).  powder inherent in the system. This created a rough surface
              The crown on the implant had to be made of metal-ceramic, which meant   that allowed light to refract diffusely. After firing, the result
           that the properly designed crown on the implant had to be aesthetically masked   appeared as shown in Figure 11. The dentist had chosen
           for CAD/CAM (prefabricated, Sweden & Martina) (Ceramco 3, Dentsply   A3.5 as the base tooth color and B4 for the exposed root
           Sirona). A cemented solution was chosen, so there was no hole for the screw,   zone, in line with the selected masses (Figures 12 and 13).
           and therefore no need to solve any problems related to its exit. Figures 6a and   Additionally, in the incisal third, we used a dentin mass with
           6b show photographs taken with the dentist’s DSLR camera. The shade guides   reduced  brightness,  as  seen  in  the  polarized  photographs
           provide the approximate color of the teeth, but not all the information and   (Figures 8a and 8b, Figures 14 and 15).
           features necessary for the reconstruction of the natural tooth. By reducing   A thin layer of a 1:1:1 mixture of yellow-orange, red-
           illumination  and  increasing  contrast  and  brightness  in  image  processing   orange, and pink dentin modifier mamelon masses was
           software, such as Lightroom (Adobe), one can better represent the histo-  applied to achieve high color saturation  (Figure 16). To
           anatomy of the natural tooth (Figure 6c).                      enhance translucency on the flanks, Natural Enamel masses
                                                                          (Natural Enamel Light and Clear) were mixed in a 1:1 ratio
           EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS OF RESIDUAL TEETH                      and applied mesially and distally  (Figure 17). The space
           The patient wanted the lateral incisor to be reconstructed with the characteristics   between these enamel ridges was filled on the labial and

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