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                                    ELEVATING DIGITAL DENTISTRY:


                                                       Utkarshaa Jaiswal
           The digital dentistry landscape in India   At the core of the roadshow were exocad’s   invaluable knowledge on enhancing patient
           witnessed  a  special  occasion  as  the  exocad   flagship  solutions—DentalCAD,  exoplan,  care.
           India Roadshow 2024 made its way through   and  ChairsideCAD.  These  advanced  In a previous issue we did a comprehensive
           the cities of Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi   software tools, equipped with the latest   coverage of this landmark event. Continuing
           earlier this year. Spanning from March 28th   features  and  innovations,  took center  stage   the momentum, this feature presents a brief
           to April 5th, this immersive event captivated   as experts demonstrated their practical   overview of the exclusive interviews which
           dental professionals and enthusiasts alike with   applications. From single-tooth restorations   were carried out by MediMedia India during
           hands-on workshops, interactive sessions,   to  comprehensive  full-mouth rehabilitations,   the roadshow with participants and speakers
           and insights, leaving an indelible mark on the   participants explored the transformative   who shared their experiences, perspectives,
           attendees and exceeding all expectations.  capabilities of these digital solutions, gaining   and valuable insights.

                                                                               Dr. Divya Passanha, an emerging prosthodontist,
                                                                               who has just begun her journey with exocad — is
                        Dr. Bhavin Patel, proudly continuing the NK Patel      thrilled with the  start! Diving into  exoplan for
                        and Sons legacy, appreciated the efforts by exocad     surgical guide planning, she shares how it has
                        to provide a platform for education and bring all      become an invaluable tool as her practice embraces
                        the partners together. He expressed his excitement   one-day dentistry. Inspired to join the exocad roadshow,
                        at the introduction of the cutting-edge Asiga Ultra   Dr. Passanha discusses how exoplan has elevated patient care and
             to the Indian market during the roadshow and the fact that it   transformed workflows. When asked to describe exocad in one
             made its global debut simultaneously. Dr. Bhavin further spoke   word her response was “Future”.
             about future trends in digital dentistry including the increase in   Her big question for exocad? “When is exocad coming back to
             adoption of digital tools like scanning and milling.    India?” And here’s the exciting news — exocad returns this year
             When asked to describe exocad in one word – His immediate   itself for the Digital Dentistry Conclave in Pune, from November
             response was “Robust”.                                 21st to 24th!

                                                      Dr. Anshul Mel, a master prosthodontist, proudly declares
                                                      himself as “exocad blood positive.” From morning till evening,
                                                      exocad is at the heart of his practice and passion.
                                                      He shares his favorite feature — ’the versatile attachments’ —
                                                      and how they transform his daily work. His advice for the young
                                                      dental professionals is to dive early into the world of digital
                                                      dentistry as that is the future and exocad is an integral part of
                                                      digital dentistry.

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