Page 37 - HSMP student project
P. 37

  T​he same for outdoor allergies such as pollen, trees,
animal fur, etc. These allergens cause the symptoms of your allergies. Indoor and outdoor allergies produce similar symptoms but different in when they occur and where. Outdoor allergies are more seasonal and indoor allergies occur during winter when people spend more time inside resulting in stuffiness, runny nose, and coughing.
6​.1 million children and 20 million adults suffer from
allergies whether it’s seasonal, food, or any allergy products. Allergies can be fatal. The symptoms that can lead to fatalities are closing or clogging of the throat, infectious skins, or swelling in different body parts. It’s estimated that 5 Americans each day die from anaphylaxis. Food allergies are the most common allergies in a human and the easiest to detect. A couple of months after birth, parents can request that an allergist check if the baby is allergic to anything or will be in the future so the parents will be prepared. An allergic response to certain foods can vary according to the season of birth.
E​veryone who suffers from allergies suffers from a
different cause. When dealing with allergies, you should know what you’re allergic to first before treating anything. Different medications can cause symptoms to get worse when taking the wrong medication for the wrong allergy. Treatments can include steroids, antihistamines, and avoiding allergens but there’s no possible cure for allergies. These treatments can control your symptoms. They can reduce your sensitivity to your allergy triggers and reduce your allergic response.
Wellness 101 - Spring 2020
Allergies can also be hereditary. If both parents suffer from allergies, there’s a 70% chance that the child can suffer from allergies. Untreated allergies can also worsen other health problems, for example, respiratory problems, and skin disorders such as eczema and urticaria. Many people also have both indoor and outdoor allergies.

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