Page 54 - My FlipBook 1
P. 54

2 0  L I V E S ,  2 0  P E R S P E C T I V E S

                  W H A T

                  W E ’ R E

                                                                     F        R       O        M
                  LEARNING                                           T  H  E        V  I  R  U  S

                                                                     T        H        A        T

                                                                     C   H    A   N    G   E    D

                                                                     E V E R Y T H I N G

           truths, but they don’t provide much
           comfort. With 3.9 million confirmed
           cases and 270,000 deaths* in 187
           countries on every continent but Ant-
           arctica, the coronavirus pandemic has
           already altered daily life beyond rec-
           ognition. It will shape our lives for
           years to come, mostly in ways that
           are impossible to predict, let alone
           understand. ¶ Yet faced with the big-
           gest public-health crisis of the cen-                        Background: A fluorescent pho-
                                                                        tomicrograph of  a monkey cell
                                                                        infected with a candidate vaccine
                                                                        for COVID-19. Red staining shows
                                                                        the cell’s structural scaffolding,
                                                                        blue marks its DNA,  and green
                                                                        reveals the “spike” protein it pro-
                                                                        duces when infected with SARS-
                                                                        CoV-2, as the novel coronavirus is
                         tury, we need all the comfort and              known.  Foreground:   We asked
                                                                        participants to submit photo-
                         understanding we can get. So Esquire           graphs of  the world right now
                         turned to the best source we know of:          through their eyes—plus a selfie.
                         the stories of others. We asked twenty
                         people—from an eight-year-old in
                         Indiana to the governor of Washing-
                         ton—to share their experiences in
                         the first few months of the outbreak.
                         Each of their stories is a reassurance
                         that none of us are facing this alone.
                         Here are their first-person accounts
                         of humanity’s stand against the virus.

                                       *STATISTICS, HERE AND THROUGHOUT, ARE AS OF PRESS TIME.
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