Page 58 - My FlipBook 1
P. 58

                                                                                             AKELA LEACH
                                                                                             FIFTH-GRADE TEACHER,
                                                                                             ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
                                                                                             39,105: Number of students
                                                                                             enrolled in Tulsa public schools
                                                                                             83%: Percentage who are eco-
                   THE EIGHT-                                                                nomically disadvantaged
                   KATIE H.
                   SECOND GRADER
                   Winona Lake, Indiana
                   124,000: Number of
                   U. S. public and private
                   schools closed for
                   the remainder of the
                   school year
                   55.1 MILLION: Number of
                   K-through-12 students now
                   being homeschooled
                                                           Katie named her new pet
                                                               guinea pig Pepper.
                   I’M GETTING MORE time with my
                   family and especially with my dad. He
                   finally has some days off.   WE’VE BEEN DOING surprises. Like,
                   MOSTLY, I’VE BEEN sad, but then I   my parents will take me and my sister
                   get really happy. It’s just weird not being   somewhere we don’t know about. When
                   close to people that I really want to be   we got my guinea pig, they made it some-
                   by. That’s the sad part. The happy part   thing like, “We’re going to Dad’s work to
                   is that we get to do a bunch of fun stuff.   feed the fish.” But we didn’t. We went to
                   I play outside. I ride my bike. We haven’t   the pet store and got my guinea pig.
                   done that in a long time because of   I MOSTLY LIKE holding my guinea
                   school. So I’m happy to be home.  pig. That’s kind of my comfort animal.
                                                SOMETIMES I DON’T know if peo-
                                                ple are going to be sick, or if they’ll bring
                                                it into our family, or if the guinea pig’s
                                                going to be sick, or if something’s going
            2 0  L I V E S ,                    to happen that we don’t expect.
       2 0  P E R S P E C T I V E S             —As told to Adrienne Westenfeld

                                              “I MOSTLY LIKE HOLDING MY GUI      NE

        W H A T                                 THE EXOTIC-ANIMAL
                                                CHRISTIAN WALZER
        W E ’ R E                               EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, HEALTH,
                                                WILDLIFE CONSERVATION SOCIETY
                                                Bronx, New York
        LEARNING                                NADIA: Name of the tiger that first contracted
                                                COVID-19 at WCS’s flagship park, the Bronx Zoo
                                                EIGHT: The number of big cats at the zoo that have
                                                tested positive (five tigers and three lions)

                                                      58 SUMMER 2020
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